See No Evil

October 1, 2023

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

Datr - [ "Like it or not, I'm not punching in tomorrow," Chester declares while storming across the parking lot. Someone yells back from the open door of the building, "YOU'RE GOING TO GET FIRED IF YOU KEEP THIS UP." Chester takes a deep breath as he keeps walking. The person yelling from the building continues, "YOU AREN'T GETTING PAID TO TAKE VACATION DAYS ALL THE TIME YOU KNOW!"


Elar - Jeez Chester, that other person sounds like a bitch. Are you okay?

Datr - [ "Pff. Just another co-worker. I'm fine." Chester turns away and continues to walk. The person from the building screams out at him, "YOU GET FIRED AND SHOW YOUR FACE BACK HERE AGAIN I'M GONNA RIP THAT SMILE FROM YOUR WASHED UP FACE AND SEE IF YOUR STILL LAUGHING BASTARD!!!" They slam the door shut as Chester continues to walk down a sidewalk as usual. ]

Elar - From my experience, co-workers don't usually threaten to rip your face off and scream like that. That person needs to chill out, damn

Datr - [ Chester mumbles quietly under his breath as he turns down a street, "She's protecting her business and frankly I've been taking advantage of it for a while. She has a right to be mad but I just don't have the time for that shit right now." Chester eventually enters the orange door of an apartment building. He starts making his way up a flight of stairs, keeping his weight off one leg and hand on the railing for balance. ]

Elar - Oh jeez be careful walking upstairs. I know how it is to have leg injuries.

Datr - [ Chester remains quiet as he goes up a few flights. He makes it to a yellow door with peeling paint and rusted hinges as he gets out his keys from his pockets. While getting the keys into the door he fights back gagging for a moment. The door unlocks as he quickly steps inside and shuts the door, locking it behind him and tossing his keys into the bowl by the door. He stays quiet as he makes his way through the apartment and enters a small bathroom and puts his hands on the sides of the sink. ]

Elar - Chester?

Datr - [ Chester looks up at the mirror. Staring back at him is an animal. An abomination of long messy, orange and yellow hair barely covered by a purple work shirt and khaki shorts. A lavender lanyard hangs from his neck. His striped black and white arms grip the sides of the sink tighter as he seems frustrated. His brown and black eyes look back down at the sink and away from his tall bat-like ears and strange pointed nose. He doesn't seem alarmed by seeing himself as such a mix up of creatures, he used to looking like this and the world around him is too. ]

Datr - [3521]

Elar - ...what.. are you? And why was music just linked? Did I somehow find a fellow furry???

Datr - [ Chester gags as he looks confused, "-t-the hell are you talking about?" ]

Elar - Uhm, well, remember how i told you i see your movements in this chat channel? I also have a description of you when you look in the mirror. reminds me of a fursona. uh.. and then there was a link to some song

Datr - [ "See no evil. Got it-" He's cut off as he gags into the sink. Being sure as to not look down at it, he promptly opens the cabinet below and randomly takes out one of the several boxes of new toothbrushes. He unboxes one and instantly begins rinsing the sink out and brushing his teeth profusely. ]

Elar - Ugh, hangover. Been there and done that. Hope you feel better soon dude

Datr - [ He rinses his mouth out and continues cleaning like he has the plague. He goes to reach for something on a shelf but finds that what he's looking for was misplaced. His head turns frequently as he scans the room for it. After a moment he he heads out into the living room and starts checking side tables and shelves, seemingly not hearing what Elara had said. ]

Elar - Whatcha looking for Chester?

Datr - [ He sounds on the verge of gaging again, "-Air freshener." He starts taking the decorative pillows and tossing them aside while searching between the couch cushions. ]

Elar - Between the couch cushions though? Why not look where you last used it.

Datr - [ "I use it alot-" He coughs some before giving up and heading into a messy kitchen. He opens a cabinet door and gets out an unused air freshener can and breaks the seal. ]

Elar - I can imagine

Datr - [ Chester begins to spray down every room of his house with nearly half the can of air freshener. "And so much for not popping in when I'm at work huh? Can't get any privacy here." ]

Elar - Hey, if it were up to me, I'd do as you say, but whatever this is is broadcasting everything to us.

Datr - [ Chester takes a breath and sets the can down, "I'm sorry. I just... it's caught me at the worst times. I'm usually not this uhm... messy? Definitely not a good first impression." Chester heads back into the kitchen. ]

Elar - It's okay, I believe you. Besides, you seem chill for what it's worth. Are you feeling okay?

Datr - [ "To be honest with you, no. But I am definitely not in need of any help however." Chester closes his eyes as he opens the cabinet above a well used microwave. ]

Elar - That's fair, hope you got some meds for whatever sickness you got

Datr - [ "Plenty." Chester is keeping his eyes shut as he grabs a bottle and begins carefully pouring it into a shot glass. ]

Elar - Meant like actual meds, not booze..

Datr - [ "What?- But I kept my eyes closed. You shouldn't have seen it," he sets the bottle down. ]

Elar - It said he grabs a bottle and pours it into a shot glass. Not gonna lie, but I really don't like this. It's creepy as hell

Datr - [ Chester pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh, "...So you see it if I imagine it too well?" Chester groans and opens his eyes as he pours the shot glass back into the bottle of tequila and takes the bottle with him to the sofa. ]

Elar - I guess?

Datr - [ "But otherwise it seems closing my eyes helps keep some things from getting through." Chester takes a swig from the bottle. ]

Elar - That's good! Hope the booze helps chester

Datr - [ Chester has a bit more as he grumbles, "Just hope this thing doesn't decide to monitor me sleeping." ]

Elar - I mean considering the last two times, it seems to stop broadcasting when you sleep.

Datr - [End Frequency]