Now Meet Term

October 11, 2023

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

Datr - [Chester sighs as he turns to rusted door knob and takes a step into the room. ]

Luna - Hello?

Datr - [ Chester's ears perk up just as he closes the door behind himself. Chester is greeted by a soft and polite voice from another room, "Come in Deary, make yourself at home!" Chester quickly mumbles under his breath, "Not now-"

The friendly voice responds, "I mean you can take your time getting comfortable." ]

Luna - Uh okay, no problem. You don't have to respond if you can't.

Datr - [ "No not that! Sorry!" Chester yells back as he makes his way through the building to the room the friendly voice came from. He enters and sees a calming atmosphere with wooden windchimes in cracked open windows and bookshelves lined with crystals and gems. Here and there on shelves and window seals are scented candles of various colors. Someone sits with perfect posture in a cushioned chair. Beside the chair is a deep red lounge chair that Chester instantly rolls his eyes at. "Really? A lounge chair?" ]

Luna - ...

Datr - [ The stranger tilts their chin up slightly, "Is there a problem?" Chester smirks sarcastically, "You wanted to try out giving therapy and thought I was the prime candidate?" ]

Luna - I dunno, free therapy sounds good

Datr - [ Chester mumbles, "I'd hardly call it free." The stranger tilts their head slightly at Chester, "Pardon, but I am offering this gesture as a friend helping another friend. I'd consider it more charity. An act of charity that you should learn to accept." Chester smiles dismissively at the comments as he sits on the end of the lounge chair, "Well go on then. If you want to try and give me therapy then go ahead." ]

Cab - balls

Datr - [ The stranger nods agreeingly, "I will try, thank you." Chester suddenly seems taken back, "balls?!?"

The stranger stares at Chester and blinks, "What do you mean... balls?" ]

Cab - Jesus you can not catch a break, huh.

Datr - [ Chester growls, "Me catch a break? You said balls first!" The stranger sets their cup of tea down to a side table as he leans in closer to inspect Chester. The stranger sounds mildly confused, "I never said balls... Are you doing ok?" ]

Cab - It looks like you're talking to nothing. Or if the guy can see me, a puppet.

Luna - a puppet? yooo that's so cool

Viol - Neat. Also hi

Datr - [ Chester scoffs, "Uh hi?- but a puppet? What?" The stranger's eyes widen as he promptly stands up and backs away from Chester. The stranger has a serious but calmed tone, "Chester you're talking to yourself. But don't worry, I know what to do. You are in good hands-" the stranger sprints out of the room as Chesters ears perk up again. Chester yells back, "What? NO- I'M NOT POSSESSED- fuck not this again-" Chester gets up to chase after the stranger. ]

Cab - Is that guy okay?

Luna - I don't think anyone's okay

Cole - time to get the popcorn i suppose

Luna - i love chatting with crazy people, makes my life feel a lot less insane

Cab - Not a person. Frog.

Datr - [ Chester runs down a hall and to a door as it's slammed in his face, "He's senile is what he is... TERMINAL OPEN THE DOOR. " The stranger yells back, "ONE MOMENT, JUST GETTING READY." ]

Cole - 2/7 found

Luna - 2/7? What do you mean Cole?

Spid - ... terminal?

Luna - Oh wait, I see.

Cab - Wha

Datr - [ Chester tries the door handle but it's locked. He yells while taking a hairpin out of his fur and puts it into the doorknob, "TERM. PUT THE HOLY WATER AWAY. WE AREN'T DOING ANOTHER EXORCISM... and what do you mean two out of seven?" Term yells back as there's various shuffling sounds, "IT'S NOT AN EXORCISM- ITS A DISCONNECTION TO GET YOU OUT OF THE GOVERNMENTS CLAWS!" ]

Spid - ...

Luna - Exorcism?? What the fuck is this. Is terminal into essential oils too or something??

Cole - holy water? i'm glad i'm not there

Spid - I'm not really surprised..but this is also weird to read

Datr - [ Chester smirks as he opens the door, "Trust me, he's into more essential oils than the entire US army..." He walks in to see Term digging through boxes frantically. Term looks up at Chester in surprise, "SEE?!? The government already has you in their clutches-" Term resumes quickly digging through boxes. ]

Cole - The US army uses essential oils?!

Luna - Oh gods, the army is into snake oil and multi-level marketing.

Cole - I sure fucking hope not

Datr - [ Chester sighs with a smile and folds his arms, "Terminal. I'm going to tell you this as a friend. If you so much as lay a hand on me you're getting another restraining order for your collection." Term nods, "Very well. I won't need to touch you to get rid of the signals." Term is taking several boxes of aluminum foil out of a box. Chester mumbles to himself, "You guys couldn't have connected at a worse time." ]

Cole - I can see that. what kinda fuckin therapist office is this?

Luna - DATRS decided to begin the frequency on its own. Wasn't our idea, and really terminal, aluminum foil??

Cab - What the fuck is therapy?

Datr - [ Chester stays where he is as Term grabs a few boxes and heads to Chester, "Its just his house, he's a wanna be therapist. " Term grumbles at Chester, "Don't give them my address or I swear!" Chester laughs, "Oh yeah? And why shouldn't I? You pay taxes, if it was the government they would already know where you live." Term comments, "Bold assumption deary. Chester blinks, " ...What?" ]

Luna - I know where he lives. 698 Cherry Lane right?

Spid - How the hell do you know that?

Luna - :)

Spid - Don't fucking smiley face me Luna little. That's not funny

Datr - [ Chester continues to smile, "Nope. It's 914 Lover Lane. The house with all the loon shit in the front." Term shakes his head in annoyance as he starts laying down sheets of aluminum foil in a circle around Chester. ]

Cole - Noted

Luna - Got it! Thanks Chester!

Spid - Lover lane?

Luna - Loon shit? Like what? Plastic flamingos and shit?

Cab - EW Lovers

Datr - [ Chester ignores Term as he talks, "Oh you'll see... and seeing as you all are loons you will ESPECIALLY love it." Term is almost done making the circle as he looks up at Chester from the ground, "Any last words before I disconnect them?" ]

Luna - Perhaps you should get out of the foil circle before we get disconnected?

Spid - It might not work. Then again it's ...yeah getting out might be a good idea

Cole - i doubt it'll work, foil doesn't block radio nor radar signals you'd need a faraday cage to block out any radio signals or a jammer

Spid - You remember who this is right?

Cole - yeah, i remember

Luna - As do I. And that's what worries me.

Datr - [ Chester shrugs, "They don't think it will work." Term sets down the last piece, completing the circle. Chester glances to the side, "Did it work?" ]

Cole - no, no it didn't

Luna - Nope, we're still here.

Spid - Unfortunately it didn't

Datr - [ Chester gives Term a sly smile, "Nope." Term huffs as he stands up and dusts off his pants, "Then what does work?" Chester shrugs, "I mean, that one said something about a fair day cage?" Term's eyes widen, "-Faraday cage, a mesh cage with an aluminum or copper mesh, of course!" Term darts out of the room. Chester giggles some to himself, "This guy is insane." ]

Spid - Shut up

Luna - Does he do conspiracy theory as well? He sounds like someone I'd love to chat with.

Datr - [ Chester laughs, "Oh definitely. He believes them all." Term returns carrying a fresh cup of tea with a hint of steam rising off of it. Term promptly holds out the tea cup to Chester, "Here, take this real quick." Chester grabs the tea cup and chuckles, "Let me guess, infused with aluminum somehow?" ]

Cole - This is certainly something

Spid - ...tell me about it

Luna - Oooh tea sounds good

Liv - Spill the tea, sis.

Datr - [ Chester takes a sip as Term explains, "Just some mild sedatives." Chester instantly stops sipping the tea, "Sede...? Term. You're drugging me??? You do know I can have you arrested for that right?" Term nods, "I know I know, but we're friends and I wanted to keep you safe." Chester blinks more, "Friends don't... they don't drug other fren... " Chester drops the tea as his legs give out and everything goes numb. Term catches him before he can hit the ground. Chester's vision blurs before he passes out. ]

Datr - [End Frequency]

Cole - another one bites the dust

Luna - ...

Spid - ...

Luna - I know it's a new timeline, but why am I not fucking surprised

Spid - ...I take it back It's still her

Liv - All of this because of balls.

Luna - Bright side, we have a name now, so we can probably do a frequency with him?

Spid - Do you really want to?

Luna - not really. I assume Terminal will come up again.