The Ghost of Wicket Woods

October 12, 2023

Spid - ...ok -begin frequency terminal

Datr - [Error. Frequency unavailable. Signal obstructed. ]

Spid - What? -ts frequency unavailable?

Luna - Uhm. No offense, but I think frequency unavailable means the frequency is unavailable Spider. also good morning

Spid - Yeah but there's gotta be a fucking reason for it

Luna - Well Cole did mention something about a faraday cage to Chester

Spid - It's not like he just dropped off the face of the earth

Datr - [ Troubleshooting is locked behind moderation privileges. To access these privileges from a remote location, enter your sudo code. ]

Spid - Fuck

Luna - Considering this is a radio, it makes sense that Terminal, a conspiracy theorist, would use something like that. Like I bet if we tried the same with Chester, we'd get the same thing.

Spid - ...This is really strange

Luna - How so?

Spid - Its basically her, this all feels like shit she would do but it's not her, can't be

Luna - Well yeah, Terminal's him again. I'm sorry Spider. I don't think anyone is like what we knew before.

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

Datr - [ "-and if that doesn't work you can just give up." Chester laughs some. Term sighs, "Just bare with me. It should work here soon." ]

Spid - Hi Chester

Luna - Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Hello Chester.

Datr - [Chester's ears perk up as Term sees his ears move. Term points at Chester as he yells, "HA!!! IT WORKED THEY'RE BACK NOW HAHAHA!!!" ]

Luna - Yeah we are. Hey Chester, remember what we said about see no evil? Could you take a good look at Terminal for us please?

Datr - [ Chester scoffs to himself, "Have fun seeing a loon." Chester looks over at Term through the mesh wire wall between them. He sees a rather tall goat nonferal with rectangular red pupils and yellow eyes. He wears a headband in front of his sharp horns that holds back a full head of long black and wavy hair that's loosely pulled into a ponytail. Hanging on the headband next to his face is a small yellow crystal. Chester looks him up and down as Term glares at Chester, "I'm not a loon for your information deary... and can you stop checking me out like that? We've been over the whole staring too long thing." Term wears an open tunic and durable pants tailored for his digitigrade legs with cloven hooves. A long and almost fantasy style tail with long black hair on the end trails behind him. Chester giggles some, "What's wrong Termy? Don't like being checked out by the government?" Chester moves his eyebrows up and down at Term. ]

Luna - heheh thanks chester, you're the best. What's with the crystal though?

Spid - ...

Datr - [ Chester intentionally speaks louder so Term can over hear, "Sage here thinks it keeps the aliens out of his brain~" Term rolls his eyes and returns to shuffling through some papers, "WhenI bought it they told me it was to help with good luck, fortune, and protection. I keep it on me just incase." Chester nods his head side to side, "Liiike, protecting you from the IRS when they discover years of tax fraud?... oh or protecting you from the fines you will be charged for kidnapping me?" Chester smiles as Term rolls his eyes again, "Enough with your banter. I don't even want to speak with you. I want to speak with the others." ]

Spid - ...of course you do. Though if you want to do that you'll need to step out of the cage, or whatever it is

Datr - [Chester responds, "He's not in the cage, I am." Term grabs a stack of papers and walks up to the mesh wall, "Assuming they are listening I will explain. Chester here is in a faraday cage room made with mesh wire. I stand outside of the cage and control a panel of mesh that can slide off from the top of the cage, allowing communication with Chester. If at any point I don't want to speak to you all I will slide the mesh back onto the top of the room and you will no longer be in communication with Chester. I am the one who dictates when this conversation ends. Is that understood?" ]

Spid - Sure

Luna - Whatever you say Terminal.

Datr - [ Chester nods, "They agree." Term nods as well as he holds a piece of paper, "The document I am presenting to you is a news article of another death in Wicket Woods just outside of town. " Chester glances at the article but laughs, "This shit again? It's just some murderer or wild animal. Come on." Term clears his throat, "As I was saying... There have been several disappearances or deaths all lining up with the local rumors. I have reason to suspect the government would know the cause of these deaths and if the rumors are true." ]

Spid - Chester? Do us a favor and read the article

Luna - Seconded.

Cab - Thirded... Is that a word?

Datr - [ Chester squints as he tries to read the article. His vision is a bit blurry but he's able to make out the words. He reads it out loud, "Another man was found dead in Wicket Woods about 6 miles out from town. Family reports the man was Dameon Fugit always went into the woods for a hike but on Saturday at 8am he came home early from his trip. He was hysterical and described hearing the screams of an unknown creature that chased him out of the woods. Despite the rumors the family assumed he had stumbled across a rabid feral animal and his imagination must have taken over. A few weeks later on September 29th, Dameon Fugit was last seen leaving for his morning hike at 6am. He was reported missing when he did not return the same day. A search party was sent out and found the remains of Dameon Fugit. He had 19 puncture wounds in his chest and his limbs looked torn and chewed, seemingly by a wild animal. Investigations of these murders continue. If you have any information please contact your local authorities." ]

Luna - what... what the fuck? Terminal said something about rumors. Do you know what he's talking about? This is the first I've heard of these murders, and I question why 19 puncture wounds were necessary. Just sounds a bit, and pardon the pun, overkill.

Datr - [ Chester nods, "They want to know about the rumors." Term puts the paper away and gets out another page as he reads from it, "Rumors are recorded from both Loons and normal nonferals reporting the deaths could be caused by a mythical creature. A creature sent by the god of swords and gold, once you hear its screams your soul is doomed to be devoured by them. Numerous murders in the area report the same patterns of hearing a chilling scream and later turning up missing or dead, often with bite marks or puncture wounds, but no claw marks. Any victims found with their own knives or weapons are often found with the weapon lodged into their chest. In one case a small piece of gold was found in the bite marks of the victim." ]

Luna the god of swords and gold? Strange name for a god. interesting that there's never claw marks on the victims. Assuming Dameon brought a knife with him, maybe 19 puncture wounds too, that could explain why he got stabbed 19 times. I can't say for a fact the rumors are true, but I also cannot deny that it's extremely fitting for the evidence. Does Terminal know what people are calling this creature?

Datr - [ Chester speaks, "They want to know if anyone is naming this thing?" Terminal looks over some of the papers as he shakes his head, "Closest thing we have to a name is referring to the scream as the screams of wicket woods. I'd imagine it's due to no one living to see this thing. Probably lose your soul to it the moment you see it... '' Term puts the papers down and looks at Chester, "So what does the government call it then? What's your excuses?" ]

Liv - What about calling this thing The Ghost until you know what it actually is?

Luna - Oooo I like that.

Datr - [ Chester giggles some, "Yeah they call it the ghost." Term looks as if he heard the world was going to end as he gasps. His free hand goes to his face and he's stunned for a moment. When he does speak it's in a hushed tone, "...the ghost?... this... this is incredible news. A real ghost? A real one???" Chester nods with a sinister smile. Term continues to mumble to himself, "An actual ghost! This is just what I've been waiting for. Now I definitely can't let you leave." Chester's smile drops, "Hey wait a minute..." ]

Spid - ...seriously Term? ...Chester, could you ask him if he'd like me to hop over to him?

Luna - Wait, hang on, why can't you leave???

Spid - He's in a cage

Datr - [ Chester growls at Term, "You do know if I press charges they will find out all the taxes you've skimped out on and you'll get arrested right?" Term shrugs as he straightens up the stack of papers in his hands, "Maybe, maybe not. Either way, that's assuming you ever get the chance to tell them." Chester laughs at the absurdity, "You're insane. I'll just get the people I'm talking with to go get help. They already have your address." Term gives a polite laugh back, "Oh deary, we aren't at my house anymore. I don't keep a faraday cage room on hand like some insane person. So I'm renting from a friend." Term gives a small smile back. ]

Luna - Lemme guess, he's at 6012 Chestnut Street now right? Call it intuition~

Datr - [Chester groans, "No. Like I would know where the hell I am right now... he fucking drugged me." Term puts the papers away in a box. ]

Luna - Man this is a pain in the ass. What the fuck Term

Spid - Hold on. I want to try something

Luna - Who the fuck has a spare faraday cage just lying around casually???

Cole - I do...

Spid - Chester could you tell him that I think he's smart? I mean not only did he have the foresight to drug you and take you to a different location he's also found a way around our frequency, which is really fucking clever

Luna - Cole? He's not at your place is he?

Cole - No, i would know

Luna - Thank the Gods. Fucks sake, last thing we need is weird furry people at our place.

Datr - [Chester tilts his head some, "uhm yeah... uhhh... Hey Terminal. They said they think you are smart?" Term pauses as he looks at Chester, "Hm. Well good." ]

Spid - Mention the frequency part, that's important

Luna - It's super impressive that Terminal was able to get something to block radio signals in such short notice

Datr - [ Chester adds, "Right and uh, they think it's impressive you were able to block radio signals like that so quickly." Term nods, "Thank you again but it is only the logical conclusion. I remembered my friend had one so I was quick to action." ]

Spid - And it's not just the Faraday cage, whatever he's done to block us from connecting is ... impressive

Luna - We are completely unable to begin a frequency with him even despite not being in the cage.

Datr - [ Chester thinks a moment before responding, "So how is it you can't be contacted? Is the room you are in a faraday cage as well?" Term smiles as he gestures to his head, "I was lucky in my guesses that wearing a headband with a strand of aluminum inside was enough to keep me safe. I've always worn one since I was a kid. And seeing as simply stand around it isn't enough and yet my headband is, that tells me the frequencies are directed from the mind and no other part of the body or any atmosphere around the body." ]

Spid - But he wants to talk to us right?

Luna - Clearly not otherwise he wouldn't protect himself against frequencies. It's honestly smart.

Datr - [ Term puts the box away under a desk as there's a sudden muffled yell from another room, "SAGE GET YOUR ASS BACK UP HERE- I TOLD YOU I'M NOT EATING THIS SHIT!!!" Term grumbles to himself before yelling back, "IT'S NOT SHIT IT'S HEALTHY." The voice yells back, "FAKE MEAT DOES NOT GO IN THE MEAT FREEZER...EVER." Term growls as he looks over at Chester, "Sorry to cut this short deary but it seems the whore doesn't like lettuce." Term reaches up to a mesh panel and moves it back ov-]

Datr - [End Frequency]

Spid - Sage?

Luna - Another name. Wait, even the narration got cut off? That's strange.