An Arm and a Leg

October 14, 2023

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

Datr - [His heart is racing as he sprints through the trees. Branches of bushes feel like bats as he rips his legs through the underbrush as quickly as he can. His breathing is faster than his feet as his arms desperately try to push any low hanging branches out of the way in the dark. ]

Luna - Is something chasing you?

Datr - [ His head whips to his side as he runs. All he sees around him is dark pine trees and the faint white clover flowers, "HELLO?!? WHO'S THERE???" He continues to sprint as fast as he can. He hears a blade striking a tree behind him as he changes directions. ]

Luna - Hi there. It's Luna. You might be wondering how I'm speaking to you in your head.

Spid - You think they care?

Luna - Probably not.

Datr - [ "W-what the hell is happening-" A sword of pure gold hurdles through the air and impales a tree infront of him as nearly runs into it while trying to change directions again, "-fuck." ]

Luna - I have no idea. We heard rumors about a god of Swords and Gold, but we didn't think it was fucking real?? You might want to keep moving or find a place to hide from it.

Datr - [ "I can't lose this thing-" He sounds scared as he reaches a pond. He skids to a stop and turns to face the direction of what is chasing him. He stares into a dark and empty forest while gasping for air. ]

Spid - Do you have anything on you?

Luna - Like weapons or something to defend against this... thing

Datr - [ He frantically pats himself down looking for anything he can use. He gets out a gun as his hands are trembling, "Y-you said something about a god of swords and gold? Is this thing a god?!?" He eyes instantly snap up to the woods around him as he blindly loads the gun with a few bullets from his pockets. ]

Luna - That's what people are calling it anyway. We don't currently have a real name for it.

Datr - [ With the gun now loaded he holds it up with both hands at the trees. His eyes dart around the branches that slightly shift in the breeze. He tries to slow his breathing so he can listen. ]

Luna - You got this. Just relax your heart rate, take a deep breath in, hold it for 2 seconds, then exhale.

Datr - [ He takes some breaths and attempts to hold them as he starts to calm down. His ears perk up as he quickly turns to face the water. Walking up shore from the pond is a figure. Silhouetted by the moon above it rises from the waters. Its eyes snap open to stare him down and there's a shimmer of golden sharp teeth. He only hesitates a moment before firing several rounds from his gun at the being. The flashes illuminating the area with white and the sounds cracking through the silence causing his ears to slightly ring. ]

Datr - [Ghost]

Luna - What in the hell is that thing? Did the gunshots work???

Datr - [ He begins backing up as it steps closer. The being seems unaffected as it approaches. "GET AWAY FROM ME- PLEASE-" The being draws a blade from their hip and quickly lunges at him. The being grabs his arm before he can escape and drives the blade into his shoulder. He screams in pain and drops the gun. His now free hand tries to break the being grasp on him. "FUCK NO NO NO-"]

Luna - ...what the fuck dude. I don't even understand why it's attacking you??? Focus off the pain and get him off of you. You're gonna be okay, keep deep breathing.

Datr - [ "-I-I don't know- I didn't mean to do anything-If this is about Isaac, it was the others I swear!!! I never would have done it-" He's interrupted by the being pulling the knife in his shoulder down. He slams his back into a tree as he falls to the ground in pain while screaming. The being kneels down as they keep a grip on the blade. Their other hand grabs the gun he dropped on the ground. He cries, "PLEASE MAN- I didn't do anything!!!" ]

Luna - Isaac? You wouldn't happen to be Morris would you? He's really worried about you.

Datr - [ "wha? How did you know my name?" He seems confused a moment as the being leans in close to his face. All he smells off the creature is reeking layers of dried blood both fresh. He hears it faintly whisper to itself before it speaks. Its vocal chords sound torn to shreds and the voice cracks as it speaks very quietly yet monotone, "Stale souls aren't as crisp." He freezes up in fear, only slightly shaking. ]

Luna - Icarus asked us to look for you, gave us your name. He was worried sick for your wellbeing. And... on this creature, is there a mask on it? If so, try taking it off.

Datr - [ "Uh-uhm I don't think-" He's interrupted by the being again who glares at him. The being speaks, "I'll get it out." Suddenly the being slams the gun into Morris's chest. ]

Datr - [End Frequency]

Luna - FUCK...

Cole - THAT??? THING??? IS COMING AFTER ME???????? oh i'm so dead, oh i'm so fucking dead oh my god

Luna - ...I mean if things are consistent, it should be as easy as removing the mask. I refuse to lose another person.

Luna - -begin frequency Morris Hill

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

Datr - [As each part is torn off, the being gets a grip of the humerus and pulls. ]

Datr - [End Frequency]

Luna - ...What the fuck man. -begin frequency morris hill

Datr - [Error. This frequency is no longer available. ]

Luna - ...I didn't know the guy at all. but my heart hurts for them. Cole uh should we tell Icarus?

Cole - tell him what? that we basically watched one of his friends get torn apart and we didn't do anything?

Luna - more like we couldn't do anything. there's a distinction here.. if i was there, i would've defended his life

Cole - I'm sure he'll find out one way or another, we don't need to tell him

Luna - but i do have an idea

Cole - What is it?

Luna - we have terms address right? Does term have medical supplies?

Cole - I would assume?

Luna - then we give address to icarus and he breaks in and repairs himself. like screw terminal

Cole - Or i do it for him since his leg seems pretty fucked up

Luna - I like that idea too honestly.

Cole - You figure out his location, i'll work on a plan to get into Term's house

Luna - Got it. Just gotta dodge the topic. -begin frequency icarus faro

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

Datr - [ Icarus is leaning back with his eyes closed, listening to a distant storm crackling in the sky. He keeps a hand on his leg somewhat near the wound. ]

Luna - hello icarus

Datr - [Icarus snarls as he keeps his eyes closed. His voice is a bit lower than usual due to annoyance, "What now..." ]

Luna - I have a strange question, I was trying to figure out how we can get you some help. But uh do you live near 914 Lover Lane by chance? We know Term's not there, meaning there's probably supplies to heal your leg wound there

Datr - [ He growls, "Like I know where the hell someone's random ass street is! Not like I can fucking get there." He opens his eyes and looks down at the wounded leg wrapped in another cloth. ]

Luna - Okay uh where are you then? Maybe we can guide you there. I got a map

Datr - [ Icarus groans, "Fucking..." He glances around past the pines and red leaved trees to a structure barely peeking out from the horizon, "I'm near a lighthouse. "

Luna - Is it a lighthouse in the forest by chance Icarus?

Datr - [ "Yeah. Some old abandoned one." ]

Luna - Any other landmarks near that? I don't see it on my map. Sorry about all the weird questions by the way

Datr - [ "It's NorthWest from Cherrywood. Take the road to Haze Borough and go off the right when you see it over the trees." Icarus pulls himself up and dusts his pants off. ]

Luna - Ah there we go, got it! I was looking Northeast from Cherrywood by mistake. I'll get back to you when I figure out how to get to Lover Lane. See you soon. -end frequency Awwright Cole, you're up!

Datr - [End Frequency]

Cole - I'm moving to Lover Lane, i got a glass breaker and some other shit in my pocket incase i need it

Luna - Good luck, stay safe, if you need anything else, lemme know.

Cole appears in the lighthouse wearing his typical gas mask and gloves as he starts racing up the steps, some items in his pockets clinking around. He reaches the top to see it's dark out. Half of the sky is slowly being taken by clouds as there's a storm lurking in the distance. Cole vaults the railing and hits the ground as he rolls and starts moving towards 914 lover lane

As he sprints he runs into Cherrywood. The town seems almost like a ghost town with how quiet it is at night. Only one or two people are out taking a night stroll. While looking for the street he passes by a lit up walking track. Out past it he spots Lover Lane on a sign attached to a stop sign.

Cole slows to a jog as he follows the Lover Lane sign and starts looking for the house with said "Loon shit."

The road becomes a sad gravel road with so little gravel left that it's become dirt again. The houses in this area are a bit more spaced out and covered in trees or privacy fences. He finds a yard quickly as it sticks out like a sore thumb. It's filled with marble statues and metal artwork depicting humans and various aspects of them. They lead up to an old wooden building with rocking chairs on the front porch. The neighbors on either side of the house have their fences up so they don't have to witness a simulation of an eternal yard sale aesthetic.

Cole grumbles, "...what in the fuck is this house." He heads up to the house, looking at the windows to see if they are locked.

Cole - "Loon shit" was putting it lightly

Luna - What do you see? I was thinking like garden gnomes and plastic flamingos

Cole - Try marble statues

Luna - ...what

Cole - yeah

Luna - Loon Shit is right, what the fuck. Are they humans? Or like nonferals

Cole - humans, anyways i'm breaking into the house gimme like a couple minutes

Luna - Be careful

The window panes look thick and old fashioned with bronze locks on the seals. Even stepping near the house he gets a strong scent of candles

"...good god," Cole sighs as he checks if the front door is locked. The door locked tight. Cole groans as he grabs a glass breaker out of his pocket and tries to break one of the windows with it. The window pops as a web of cracks spread across it.

Cole tries to catch the glass as he pushes it, "Let's hope i can fuckin catch this."

The entire thing shatters into bits and dust.

"...fuck," Cole quickly clambers through the window and starts rushing towards a bathroom.

The entire house is filled with the various scents of candles. The house is also decorated in colored jewels, traditional art of abstract shapes, and artistic furniture. It seems more like an over saturated therapeutic get away than a home. He spots a restroom past a layer of beads hanging over a doorway.

"What the fuck is this house?!" Cole runs into the restroom and looks for a medicine cabinet


Luna - I feel like Spider is going to read this conversation when she wakes up and go crazy /j

Cole - it's possible, Spider whenever you're reading this, sorry not sorry

Luna - Eh?

Cole - eh, doubt they'll be mad

Luna - ...It's Spider

Cole - fair enough. btw where is Icarus supposed to be?

Luan - lemme see here, "near an abandoned lighthouse. Northwest from Cherrywood. Take the road to Haze Borough and go off the right when you see it over the trees."

Cole - got it

The bathroom has various nicknacks lining the walls as well. He sees the medicine cabinet is behind the mirror above the sink. Even the bathroom isn't safe from the scented candles. Cole opens the cabinet and looks for some gauze, antibiotics and general wound care stuff

On opening the cabinet he finds a mountain of pill bottles shoved in one corner and some general supplies spaced out everywhere else. It seems Term was well equipped to deal with injuries.

"Good lord..." Cole grabs all the stuff he needs to take care of Icarus's wound and runs out of the bathroom and to the front door. The front door has a standard lock and a chain lock. Cole thinks about it and then leaps through the broken window and starts looking for Icarus

He makes his way past the walking track and downtown. Heading back into the woods he makes his way to the lighthouse. On seeing the lighthouse from this angle he notices there is an attached house as all lighthouses have. Sitting on the steps of the lighthouse's porch is Icarus. He looks tired and has his wounded leg laying straight with strips of an old shirt wrapped around his lower leg. He has his eyes closed and a hand on his knee.

Cole mumbles, "...does... does he live in the lighthouse?" He approaches Icarus with the items in his arms then clears his throat, "Hey there man."

Icarus's eyes jolt open as he looks at him. He looks to be partly gritting his teeth and stays quiet.

"Word got around that your leg needs some help, and I'd figure I would help you out." Cole smiles and then realizes that he can't see it because of the gas mask.

Icarus sighs as he sits up a bit more, "Not NEED. I don't NEED anything from you."

" you not want the help?" Cole's head tilts as he looks at Icarus.

Icarus looks away with a bit of a huff and a quieter tone, "...I want your help."

"Good, I didn't get dust on my jacket for nothing then," Cole half chuckles as he walks up to him and crouches down next to the wounded leg. When Cole moves closer, Icarus's arm shifts closer to his own pocket as if ready to defend himself. He watches closely.

Cole rolls his eyes, "I'm not gonna hurt ya, calm down" He puts the supplies in his pockets and starts gently unwrapping the old shirt on the wound.

Icarus responds, "Talk all you want I'm going to be ready if you try to pull anything." To spare details what is uncovered is a partially infected but standard stab wound.

"Bold of you to assume I'd hurt you after I..." Cole chooses his next words carefully, "took medical supplies from a cabinet and walked out here to find you." Cole grabs an alcohol wipe from his pocket and wipes down the wound, he doesn't look phased at all.

Icarus's hand tightens to a fist as he shuts his eyes and winces. He speaks past the pain, "-wouldn't be the first."

"Some people you've run into huh?" Cole tries to lighten the mood slightly as he applies an antiseptic to the wound. "Sorry about not warning you before applying the alcohol wipe, I know that must have hurt like a bitch."

Icarus keeps speaking as if trying to ignore the pain, "Like you have much room to talk. I bet you know all sorts of loons and wackos."

"Again, i'm not a loon," Cole sighs as he applies gauze and starts wrapping the wound with some dressing, making sure it's nice and tight. "Not sure how many times I'll need to tell you that."

Icarus rolls his eyes, "Pff. Dude you've worn the same gas mask for days."

Cole looks Icarus in the eyes, "If I could be certain you don't have loonism, I would be taking it off." Cole sighs, "I don't enjoy wearing this thing, it's stuffy and muffles my voice somewhat."

Icarus looks him up and down as he's trying to figure him out, "What does me having loonism have to do with you wearing a mask? Is your face reflective or some shit?"

"...Do you have Loonism, yes or no?" Cole doesn't have a tail or anything visible that shows him to be a non-feral.

Icarus narrows his eyes at him with suspicion, "No."

"...I'll trust you but I swear to god if I give you an episode I'm gonna not exactly gonna trust your word as much." Cole pulls off the gas mask as he breathes a sigh of relief, showing a human man's face with hazel brown eyes with white partially transparent hair. "Good lord that feels better."

Icarus stares in silence as he processes what he's seeing. Cole stares back, waiting and hoping he doesn't give him an episode. Icarus mumbles to himself, "...huh... So this is what it's like to be insane?"

"I can put the gas mask back on, this is entirely real," Cole looks down and notices he still has the gloves on, "I could take the gloves off?"

Icarus adjusts how he's sitting as he watches Cole. Icarus then demands, "Prove you are real."

"How do you want me to do that? I just treated your wound so you could touch the bandages? I could touch you? I don't know what you want from me." Cole sets the gas mask down on the ground with a huff.

Icarus seems stumped, "I- I don't know I just... I'm seeing something I'm not supposed to be seeing right now." He watches Cole in disbelief as if he's seeing a ghost.

"Just in case you think this face is a mask or something." Cole pulls his gloves off, revealing his somewhat scarred hands but human hands.

Icarus leans in some as he looks at the hands, "...That's so weird..."

Cole seems somewhat embarrassed, somehow forgetting that his hands are scarred, "I'm assuming you know I'm real now."

Icarus scratches the back of his head for a moment, "I mean yeah... fuck man... that... are you like the only one or something?"

"Uhhh yeah, I guess," Cole nods as he quickly puts his hands in his pockets. "I'm assuming you wanna know my name?"

Icarus leans back into sitting up straight, "It's Cole. You told me about it several days ago with that telepathy thing."

"Oh, yeah that's right," Cole chuckles lightly as he glances Icarus up and down. "Any other wounds I could take care of? I'd hate to have to see you in more pain."

Icarus doesn't laugh any, "Unless humans can magically regrow peoples limbs, that's about all you can do for me."

Cole nods as he sighs, "Best I could do about that is make you a new prosthetic hand, wouldn't cost anything since I enjoy making mechanical or electrical things."

Icarus raises an eyebrow, "As great as that sounds I'm going to put a hold on accepting any new offers from a stranger... let alone a human one."

Cole sighs as he mumbles, "A little more than human but alright." Cole nods as he speaks up,

"Do you want me to just head off then? Since I've helped you as much as I can."

Icarcus nods, "Sure whatever. Just don't go bringing more humans into town. It's the last thing we need." He pulls himself up and stands on the steps.

"I won't, I won't," Cole chuckles as he quickly puts his gloves back on then somewhat slowly compared to how fast he puts on the gloves, he equips his gas mask, "See you around, Icarus."

Cole walks forward until Icarus loses sight of him then disappears. Icarus watches him leave without a word.

Luna - Everything going alright?

Cole - yeah, everything's fine

Luna - Okay.