Romantic Stakes

October 27, 2023

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

Datr - [ "You just need a bit more of a smile on your face! Then you'll see. They'll want you to join in. I'm sure of it." His voice is calming, happy and full of optimism. A reassuring smile rides along his face. A few tears run down the little girls face as she speaks, "What if they hate my smile?" He pulls a colorful handkerchief from his sleeve and hands it to the girl, "Smiles are like flowers, even the ugliest ones are considered beautiful." The girl takes the handkerchief and smiles slightly while wiping away her tears. ]

Luna - Hello?

Datr - [ His ear twitches as he glances around, "You best be off then. I have business to tend to." He gives a smile as the girl nods. The girl runs off to play with the other children visiting the carnival for their feild trip. As she runs into the crowd and out of sight, he glances around some more in search of who just spoke. ]

Luna - Uh you're probably not gonna find me. I'm speaking to you in your mind.

Datr - [ He pauses before tilting his head some, "Uhmm... run that by me again but without the part that makes me feel like I'm going insane?" ]

Luna - I barely understand how all of this works myself. It's like a radio system, but you connect to us and you hear us in your head. It's really weird. So uhhh hi

Datr - [ "..." He checks his coat pocket and pulls out a prescription bottle of antidepressants to read the dosage label. After a moment he puts it away, "Guess hearing voices IS hereditary." ]

Luna - I mean no offense, but do you suffer from loonism?

Datr - [ "I hope not... I heard my dad mention voices talking to him the other week. I'm probably going to be just as insane as him." He sighs while resuming taking down some old fliers. ]

Luna - I hope not too. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. As for your father, what is his name? It's possible he heard us.

Datr - [ "Gambit... though if youre in my mind you should already know that." ]

Luna - As I suspected. Yeah he heard us. Rest assured, I am unable to see what you're thinking nor can I look into your mind. Gambit's nice to talk to.

Datr - [ "Talking to someone who has no cards left in their deck, yeah sure, n i c e." ]

Luna - Right, that might explain why he spoke to us at full volume. He seemed really kind to us though. So what's your name?

Datr - [ "If your my voices then you should already know that." ]

Luna - That's just it, we're not your voices. We're a bunch of... we've been called "loons in your head" before. And someone else called us the "illuminati" but they're a conspiracy nut. Like I said, we've spoken to your father as well. How are his voices the same as yours?

Datr - [ "Because we are INSANE." He glances to the side before heading to the next booth to remove old fliers. "Ganna have to talk to him about the medication. I don't think voices are a symptom?" ]

Luna - Him? Do you mean your therapist? I would certainly hope an antidepressant doesn't give people auditory hallucinations. I'm sorry we connected to you.

Datr - [ "You should remember that therapist, allways all mushy and friendly, ack. Makes me wanna throw up." ]

Luna - Ugh, yeah I remember. They're so... gross honestly. Why do they always have to be such kiss-asses? Also can you read the flyer for me? I can't see it.

Datr - [ "Just an old show Gambit did last month. He wants me to take them all down before dinner. Fucking boring." ]

Luna - Doesn't sound that bad honestly. Could be worse, you could be cleaning up the crap in the carnival itself. Or the bathrooms, Gods forbid. What was the show about anyway?

Datr - [ "I am cleaning up crap here... uhm some tale about a knight banishing a dragon to Hell. He finds out his brother was the dragon in the most overdone way, I hate it." ]

Luna - Oh gods that's fucking cliched to hell. I mean okay, on one hand it's a show for the general public to watch, but on the other, that's just.. uncreative. Boring. I hate boring shit like that.

Datr - [ "I know right? Like not even a single romantic interest in the entire plot. Like where are the real stakes? You lose just a brother? Seriously?" ]

Luna - Now what would've been really cool is if the love interest was the Dragon all along, so now the protagonist has to choose between safety of his kingdom or the love of his life. Which does he care more about? I'd watch a show like that in a heartbeat!

Datr - [ "That and he would potentially lose something he had worked years on getting, not some inherited relative your mom just gave to you without asking first." ]

Luna - Exactly! See you could be a really awesome writer! Why are you doing this boring crap?

Datr - [ He grumbles to himself, "Gambit won't let me do other jobs." ]

Luna - - Really? I'm surprised. You seem capable. Does he ever give you a reason why not?

Datr - [ "You know what all was said to the therapist. I don't need to explain it again." He growls some while ripping off another flier from the wall.]

Luna - Sorry, my brain's fried as of late. I've forgotten the reason.

Datr - [ "Whatever. Point is he's being a stubborn old man like he always has." ]

Luna - Oh my gods, he's even cliche in real life.

Datr - [ "I know right??? He's sooo... too much. Like all he does is EVERYTHING. He doesn't know how to tone it down to save his life." ]

Luna - I mean once an actor, always an actor, even outside of the stage. Have you ever asked him to take it easy for once, maybe he'll listen if it comes from his son.

Datr - [ "Yeah but it didn't work. If anything he became even more strict after that." ]

Luna - Like... maybe he just doesn't want to see his son go down the same route he did? I know that's cliche, but when he's already cliche, it kind of makes sense. So he's trying to like.. dissuade you from becoming part of the carnival proper. It sucks

Datr - [ "It's fucking annoying is what it is." ]

Luna - Anyway, uh I think I'mma head out. Hope you can figure something out with your father. Take care. -end frequency

Datr - [End Frequency]