Speak No Evil

November 15, 2023

Luna - -help what are "feedback loops"?

Datr - [Feedback loops are specific to the Lochness functions and used to describe when an output triggers an input that would result in the same output it began with creating a loop. These loops can be detected in dialogue, functions, events, and actions.]

Luna - -help and how does someone fix a feedback loop?

Datr - [Datrs is capable of detecting feedback loops but not stopping them to avoid damage. The cause of the feedback loop should be dealt with to prevent the loop from continuing]

Luna - "The cause of the feedback loop" Would that be giving the mask back to Lochlan or destroying it? That's the question here. When an output triggers an input that would result in the same output, therefore creating a loop. No wait, even when she had the mask on during the full moon, "several feedback loops" were found. So that's not the cause.

Luna - -help what was the cause of the most recent feedback loop in Lochlan?

Datr - [Unknown request]

Luna - Noted. -help what are the Lochness functions? I assume they're functions for Lochlan to exist, breathing and the like

Datr - [Self explanatory]

Luna - Got it.

Spid - Right let's try this again -Begin frequency Chester

Datr - [Begin Frequency]]

Datr - [ ]

Spid - Christ again?

Cole - he's probably got something that is blocking the signal

Luna - Indeed

Spid - Can't have

Luna - Maybe he took Term's advice?

Spid - Cause ..term just didn't connect

Luna - ...lemme try something WAKE UP CHESTER!!

Datr - [ ]

Luna - Damn. -end frequency

Datr - [End Frequency]

Spid - -begin frequency Harper May as well check in case datrs just isn't working again

Luna - Harper? Who's that?

Spid - You know the other day with Lochlan? It's that Harper

Luna - The one that apparently fixed her arm? I overheard something along those lines from the kitchen

Spid - I think she's Term's cousin as well, the outside of the house was identical to what datrs described ....so really her behavior makes a lot of sense

Luna - Oh... the whore upstairs. Got it. You do realize this revelation only opens up a whole can of worms right? thank you Spider

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

[ ]

Luna - Uhm. Spider?

Spid - You're having a laugh

Luna - Trust me I ain't laughing and neither is Hinata.

Datr - [ ]

Luna - -help pylon status

Datr - [Systems stable]

Datr -[Begin Frequency]

[Chester grumbles under his breath at her, "Not like you would know a real man when you saw one." The co-worker scoffs as she sets the paperwork down, "I heard that mister." ]

Luna - Geez, rough times at work Chester?

Datr - [Chester rolls his eyes, "Rough times... They fucking fired me and already hired some other bitch to take my place." His coworker laughs, "Cuz you wouldn't know an honest day of work if it bit you in the ass. And this so called bitch has only worked here one day, and already got more done than you have in months!"]

Luna - Damn your coworker is an asshole. What the hell is their problem? Did they put their shoes on backwards or something??

Datr - [Chester groans, "More than just her shoes..." He speaks up, "Where is this son of a bitch so I can tell him the shit hole he's getting himself into?" The co-worker points to one of the office doors and rolls her eyes, "It's your own fault if he calls up HR over you flirting with him." Chester walks past her and towards the office door as he mumbles, "I'll just flirt with HR again if that happens."]

Luna - Speaking of HR, your coworker could probably benefit from talking to them. I can't stand their attitude. And besides what is it you do?

Datr - [Chester mutters to himself before opening the door, "Fucking easy ass deliveries." As he opens the door he sees the new hire in question. They stand over one of the many desks in the room while signing into an account. A solid black biker's helmet obscures their entire head and their attire is a matching black dress shirt and long pants. They look over at Chester as he enters and give a small friendly wave. Chester stares a moment, "...They hired a loon over me?"]

Luna - I mean with how common Loonism is nowadays, it's not too surprising. And besides, they seem nice.

Datr - [Chester scoffs to himself, "That's the thing it's not fucking common its a one in a hundred if THAT." The new hire tilts their head some as Chester slams the door shut while storming past the co-worker.]

Luna - It's really that uncommon? That's surprising to me. Welp uh time to look for a new job then? Can't be that hard.

Datr - [Chester continues to talk to himself as she shoves past the front doors of the building and into the parking lot, "Next to nowhere is hiring anymore! How the Hell am I supposed to do that???"]

Luna - I mean there are other places on the New Atlantic right? maybe try Haze Borough for a job. Or the carnival.

Datr - [Chester's pace slows as his ears perk up a bit, "The carnival?...heyyyy" a mischievous grin creeps along his face yet again, "You guys have contact with Gambit right? You could put in a good word for me and get me a job there lickety-split."]

Luna - We've talked to him like twice, but we could certainly try I guess?

Datr - [He begins walking down the sidewalk, "If you can get me an interview I think I could make it work... though if i knew what makes him tick would make it a lot easier."]

Luna - We'll see what we can do. Though before we swap to Gambit, is there a specific job you'd like to do? Just so we can add it to our plea.

Datr - ["Anything. I learn quick and wing it better than most hot wing sauces."]

Spid - Yet you still got fired?

Datr - [Chester grumbles, "It's not my fault I couldn't plan out my vacation days for kidnapped."]

Spid - Hm, didn't you say you were gonna skip town anyways?

Datr - ["Ok so maybe that idea wasn't thought through all that well."]

Spid - No shit are you doing ok after all that though?

Datr - ["Other than losing my job?" Chester sarcastically drones on, "I'm doing wooooooonderful."]

Spid - Really? No more nightmares then? Or panic attacks?

Datr - ["I don't have those." Chester crosses the road and heads towards a neighborhood.]

Spid - So what happened at Terms then?

Datr - ["Wasn't that all public? I got the fuck out of there. That's what happened."]

Spid - Sure mate I'll connect to Gambit for you now yeah?

Datr - ["Gooood riddance!" Chester heads up the stairs to his apartment]

Spid - I don't have to get you a job you know -end frequency

Datr - [End Frequency]

Spid - -begin frequency Gambit

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

Datr - [Gambit steps aside as the stage hands move a panel to the stage. He calls out to them, "Make sure that panel goes left stage before we leave today alright?"]

Spid - Is that for a new show?

Datr - [Gambit speaks out loud with hesitating, "Another old show, most stories are already told anyways."]

Spid - You keep doing that

Datr - ["I plan to, thank you"]

Spid - No I mean you keep talking to me out loud, aren't you worried about being called a loon or something?

Datr - ["Girl. I get those remarks all the time anyways." He steps down from The stage.]

Spid - And you're not really helping your case

Luna - Hello Gambit, it's Luna. Are you guys at the carnival looking for more workers?

Spid - I was getting to that

Datr - ["Not particularly in need of any. How come?"]

Luna - Well you know how we talk to other people like this? One of them needs a job. Their name is Chester. He's a really good worker.

Datr - ["Well what role do you think they could fill?"]

Luna - Literally anything you need done. He's extremely versatile and adapts quickly. In his words, he "wings it better than most hot sauces." All he needs is an interview

Datr - ["Well an interview couldn't hurt" Gambit squints in thought]

Spid - It couldn't, worst case is you don't hire him and he has to look somewhere else though which role were you thinking for him?

Datr - ["Hm. Alright. Tell you what. A Chester ever shows up here begging for a job. I'll lend him an ear. No promises though."]

Spid - That's great,

Datr - [Gambit starts helping move piles of clothing to the costume room with some others, "Is that all you needed my little loons?"]

Luna - Oh by the way, I think we spoke to your... son? I think that's what he'd be to you. It was like a week or so ago

Datr - [Gambit starts laughing out loud as the stagehands glance at him awkwardly.]

Luna - Uhhhh did I say something funny?

Datr - ["That's why he said he was hallucinating and hearing things! HAHAHA"]

Luna - ...yup, that was us. Sorry about that. He seemed nice at the very least, even helped him fantasize about different plot ideas. It was fun

Datr - [Gambit rolls his eyes, "The kid needs to stop interfering"]

Luna - Interfering? His ideas were decent.

Datr - ["Ideas are fine but that guy has a bad habit of acting out on ideas, even when it's not his show to run."]

Luna - Nah I understand that. It's your show, run it however you wanna. You're the storyteller here. Anyway, we'll get in touch with Chester"

Datr - ["See ya later."]

Luna - See ya. -end frequency

Datr - [End Frequency]

Luna - -begin frequency chester

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

Datr - [Chester is scrubbing down his mouth with a toothbrush in front of his bathroom mirror again. The packaging of this new brush is laying on the counter beside him]

Luna - Oh hey it's Luna. Got some good news for ya. Gambit said he'll lend you an ear. Also... uh what's with the packaging?

Datr - [Chester gurgles and spits into the sink, "New toothbrush-" He resumes brushing]

Luna - So yeah, go to the carnival and talk to Gambit. He'll interview you just no promises on the new job

Datr - ["I'll go tomorrow if I can" he resumes brushing violently.]

Luna - Okay. You also asked what makes him tick? I don't think he likes it when people get too close? Like his son had ideas for the shows but Gambit seems to not like it when he interferes. Also he doesn't mutter whenever we talk to him, just talking at full volume.

Datr - ["Unapologetic but wants things done his way. Got it." he tosses the toothbrush into the trash along with the packaging.]

Luna - Yeah basically. Hopefully the interview goes well dude.

Datr - ["I think it will. Anyways, I'm gonna get to bed. Been a long day."]

Luna - Okay, bye Chester. Sleep well! -end frequency

Datr - [End Frequency]

Luna - And there we go.

Lochlan grumbles from behind the sofa at Cole and Luna's house.

Luna walks out. "Hey Lochlan? What's going on with Datrs?"

Lochlan sounds muffled from behind the sofa, "You can't make it do stuff."

Luna tilts her head, "Make it? It's a program though, isn't that what it's for? Also are you okay Lochlan?" Her voice is firm, "Come on out of there."

Lochlan grumbles, "I'm not coming out. And the program is for reading it. You don't use a radio to tell it to play something, you use it to tune into something that is already playing."

Spider, who has been in the arm chair, tilts their head, "Is that not what I was doing?"

Luna shakes her head, "I can't get used to this." She slumps on the couch and puts her head into her hands.

Lochlan explains, "It's like radio stations, they can't be forced to start playing music and you can only listen in if they are playing music. The frequencies you guys are switching to are just not active at the moment."

Luna is dead silent as she listens intently. Her eyes are a hint purple, "And that's bullshit, they're people unless they've all just died then they're gonna be active. Or something is completely different about the patterns this time around. We're used to the old version where it was like telepathy, but in this case, it's closer to radio stations that broadcast when something interesting is happening. Meaning less ability for small talk at random times."

Lochlan adds, "It's only active when the system is able to pick anything up in the signals."

Luna nods, "Definitely a big difference to the p--" she forces herself to go silent, choosing not to bring it up.

Spider catches it, her ears flatten as they sigh, "...Yeah."

Luna's eyes go back to normal, "By the way, Lochlan, do you need any first aid? I'm sorry for hurting you last night."

Lochlan shrugs, "I mean... if you had a mask I'd take it."

Luna sighs, "Sorry, but I saw the 17th datrs entry. It's not a good idea to give it back to you."

Lochlan groans, "Ok, that was a special case. That doesn't happen EVERY time."

Spider raises an eyebrow at her.

Luna shakes her head, "Doubt it. Paper mache doesn't speak. Let alone move with your speech. Don't lie to me."

Lochlan huffs in annoyance, "It doesn't do that every time either."

Luna continues, "Your voice also no longer sounds like it's been through a paper shredder. You ain't the only one in this house good at reasoning."

Lochlan peaks around the couch at Luna as she sneers, "Yeah it's called getting better. It's this thing your body does when it's hurt and naturally heals itself over time."

Luna shrugs, "Fair enough, though usually that takes a while to work."

Lochlan rolls her eyes and ducks back behind the sofa, "Either way the only help I'd be accepting right now is only if it involves a mask."

Luna adds, "Want a different mask? I'm not giving you the kitsune one. Besides, why do you want it back? I'm just trying to learn more about nonferal culture."

Lochlan scoffs, "I'd rather have my personal belongings back. Besides, having it doesn't help you learn more about nonferal culture. Helping a nonferal, does."

Luna tilts her head side to side, then types something into her phone, "Where'd you even get it from anyway?"

"...Not important." Her answer is a lot shorter and quick.

"Extremely important," Luna responds firmly, "If you want the mask, answer my question. You do want the mask right?"

There's a long pause.

Luna speaks, "Go on."

"My uh... mother? Gave it to me?"

"You don't have a mother. Try again."

"Well... mother-like thing?"

Luna exhales, "Okay. Sure, mother-like thing. Why did she give you a kitsune mask? Answer and I'll give it back to you."

"I don't know why she did that. It was just dropped in and after a while I figured out it could fit on my face."

"Dropped in? Dropped in what?" Luna's nodding along with Lochlan's answers.

"A room I was in at the time..." Her tone seems to flatten some.

Luna seems to be taken aback somewhat from this response, mostly out of empathy, "Eh? Would it be reasonable to call this mother-like person your creator then?"

"Uh, no."

"Are you certain? Be honest. I only wish to help. Or do you not want the mask?" Luna continues to speak with a firm tone.

"I'm certain."

"Fair enough. Okay Lochlan, I'm gonna give this back to you, but," Luna gets off the couch and stares at Lochlan, "You're living in my house currently. If I hear that you've attacked anyone who lives here or our guests, we will be taking the mask back. Do you understand me, Lochlan Whim?" Luna glares at her.

Lochlan is sitting with her back against the sofa and her knees hugged into her chest. She sighs and nods, not looking up at her.

"Understood, the ball is your court now." Luna snaps her fingers as the kitsune mask is now right in front of Lochlan. "Just be nice okay? That's all I'm asking." Her tone has drastically dropped from serious to more casual and friendly.

Lochlan glances over at her before taking the mask. She starts to put it on without a word.

Hinata walks in after hearing the discussion, "Uhhhh Lu? Is this a good idea?"

Luna shrugs, "I have no idea. I gave her an ultimatum that if she attacks anyone here, the mask will be removed. It's up to her if she wants it badly enough."

Lochlan gets the mask on but remains behind the sofa for now. Luna returns to the couch to join Hinata.