Safty First

November 25, 2023

At the gang's house, Luna steps out onto the porch when she notices something resting in her way. She looks down and mumbles to herself, "Oh? What is this?"

She sees a wooden plant resting on the welcome mat. It looks like a very weathered and old wood with words carved into it spelling out, "I know what you are."

With an eyebrow raised at the text, Luna jokes, "I know what you are? You mean a cat?" Luna shrugs and takes the wooden plank back inside.

Meanwhile, out in the cold night someone makes their way towards the house. They stroll down the sidewalk while checking their phone. Soon they slow to a stop as they glance up at the house. They double check their phone before turning and heading to the front steps. They adjust their jacket before knocking fairly loudly. They hear some shuffling before the doorknob turns.

The door barely cracks open and Cole peaks out to see who it is with a groan. He sees a large and familiar rabbit nonferal peering back. Rowan ducks his head slightly as he speaks, "This isn't a bad time is it?"

Cole looks concerned as he whispers, "No?! How did you find this place?!"

Rowan's ears perk up some as he leans over a bit more to get a better look in, "Hey hey, wait are you that one guy? From the police station?"

Cole clears his throat as he sounds slightly more feminine, "Police station?"

Rowan's ears flop to one side as he squints, "Yeah? You were that guy that they put in there in cuffs."

"I'm not a guy? I think you have mistaken me for someone else."

"You sure? You had a size large dark jacket, gas mask, gloves, 188.977 centimeters height, rode a 1989 ATK 250, probably a scar across his torso, and sense of humor? You sure that's not you?" Rowan stares into the room, unblinking and smiling as he waits for a response.

"..." Cole is disturbed for a second, "Nope, don't have any of those items."

"Then would you mind if I just stopped by to rest my feet? Won't be long, I promise." Rowan maintains an attentive smile.

"Sure." Cole ducks behind the door as it is held open.

Rowan ducks slightly as he enters. Seeing him in a smaller room compared to the police station, his height is a lot more noticeable than before. He looks out at the living room. Luna is off in the kitchen while Lochlan sits by the bookcase out of sight for now.

But then Rowan looks over at Cole, who now has a completely different physical appearance. Cole has changed into a 5'10" woman with long white partially opaque hair. She's wearing a purple women's tee shirt with a charcoal gray jacket partially covering the shirt. She also wears gray leggings and black and white checkered sneakers. Her voice has changed to be fully feminine, "Wow, you're tall."

Lochlan looks confused as she glances between Rowan and who she thought was Cole just moments ago. Rowan however, glances around at the room like a kid in a candy shop, "This is a nice little set you got here! This is your place?" Rowan looks over at Cole.

Cole shrugs, "I have split ownership with someone else that lives here."

Rowan looks over at the sofa before going to take a seat, "That's interesting. Is it because of money?" Rowan looks ahead to see Lochlan sitting by the bookcase. He somewhat stares as Lochlan notices and stares back.

Hinata walks into the living room and pauses as she sees Rowan instead of Luna on the sofa, "Erm.. who are you?" Hinata nervously asks.

Cole looks over at Hinata, "Just someone who's stopping by, no need to worry too much."

Hinata groans, "Too late for that."

Rowan snaps out of the stare and looks over at Hinata, "Oh I'm sorry, I'm Rowan. Nice to meet you." He gives a large smile, showing a pair of subtle buck teeth.

Hinata shows a genuine smile and offers a hand to shake, "Nice to meet you Rowan, I'm Hinata Solaire. I'm dating one of the co-owners of the house."

Cole smiles, "I'm sure the other co-owner will be out in a minute, would you mind telling me about this guy that you had so much information on?"

Luna had been listening in again as she peered at the room from the kitchen. She fully walks into the room as she sees Rowan, "Oh hey, I'm the other co-owner," she says with a bright smile.

Rowan looks at Cole, "You mean the Cole guy? Nah, I mean if you aren't him I would want to-" He gets distracted as Luna walks in, "Oh hello! I'm Rowan. Nice to meet you."

Lochlan is still staring at Rowan in thought.

Luna says happily, "I'm Luna Nightshade, nice to meet you too Rowan."

Cole huffs quietly, seemingly annoyed as she crosses her arms.

Spider walks into the room aswell. She raises an eyebrow at Rowan.

Rowan's attention is pulled away again as someone new enters, "Oh! And who might this be?" He watches Spider with a smile.

Cole scoots past Rowan as she leans on the wall next to the hallway, she closes her right eye.

Spider takes one look at Rowan and sighs. She goes to sit down in her usual armchair before looking over at Cole, "Who did you kidnap now?"

Cole looks over at Spider, "Bold of you to assume I kidnapped anyone, I don't have a need to do that."

Luna explains to Spider, "Nah, he came here of his own volition. Even left this weird plank thing. It said I know who you are."

Rowan tilts his head as his ears flop to the side, "Plank thing? I never gave anyone a plank."

Luna tilts her head as well, "So uh who left this thing?" Luna shows Rowan the wooden plank that was left on the doorstep.

Cole shakes her head, "No idea, I have an idea that it's some black motorcycle helmet guy."

Luna adds, "Oh yeah, the person you believed to be Creek? Fun fact, that wasn't Creek."

Cole groans, "Of course, so he's using a fake name."

Rowan speaks up, "What is this about?"

Luna looks over at Cole. Cole sighs and unfolds her arms, "Some black helmet guy has peaked my interest based off of things that I've observed them do."

Rowan asks, "That one that whisked you away at the station?"

Luna gets out her laptop to refer to some of her notes, "But as it turned out, seemingly the same black helmet dude took over for another nonferal we work with named Chester. To be precise it was his replacement at the delivery company in Cherrywood."

Cole stares at Rowan in debate.

Rowan nods, "Ooh I think I get now. You all are either detectives or really nosy," Rowan seems to notice the staring rather quickly as he stares back with a positive smile.

Spider lets out a laugh. Luna tilts her head from side to side, "Detective? It's kind of hard to not be one sometimes. Helping other worlds has its perks though."

Cole sighs, "You know what, yeah that one that whisked me away. Did you know it was me the entire time?"

Luna groans, "Told you Cole!"

Rowan looks between everyone with a confused look, "Who's Cole?"

Luna blinks and seems unsure how to even respond.

"Isn't he why you're here?" Spider's head tilts a look of disbelief on their face.

Hinata points to Cole, "She's Cole. I have no idea why she's a woman right now."

Cole rolls her eyes and folds her arms, "I got scared because he rattled off a bunch of very specific information."

Rowan seems more confused by the second, "You don't seem like Cole. You're only 5'10" and you're not wearing a mask and gloves."

Cole gives Luna a smug smirk as she sighs, "I figured you were one of those people, and I would correct my height but I'm sure that would be somewhat disturbing to you."

Luna grumbles and looks away. Rowan shakes his head, "Oh no no no! I don't find stilettos disturbing at all! I'm not here to judge anyone."

"...That's not what I meant," Cole sighs, "It would be better if I just showed you." Cole's bones begin to crack and groan as she grows back to 6'1".

Luna's ears flatten slightly while watching it, "Ugh."

Rowan stares a moment as he's deciding if he should be scared or amazed. Soon his short tail starts to wag and his face lights up, "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!?"

Spider's ears flatten "...That's what you're amazed by?"

Luna looks confused by Rowan's reaction as Cole comments, " aren't terrified?!"

Lochlan is quietly horrified in the corner.

Hinata says in amazement, "Whoa, that was cool!"

Rowan continues, "Well yeah! I don't know a single nonferal who can do THAT."

Spider mutters, "Nonferal being the keyword there."

Luna adds, "I mean to be fair, nonferals who also have super powers and magic are rather rare." Hinata nods in agreement.

Rowan asks, "So how are you able to do that?"

Cole shrugs as he explains, "My bones are malleable so I can manipulate them. It's as simple as that"

Rowan keeps asking more questions, "But like how? Are you like a weird hybrid or something?"

Spider adds, "...Seriously?"

Cole sighs and shakes her head, "Sure."

Luna exclaims, "Hybrid?"

Rowan explains, "Oh you know, like if someone's dad was a bird and their mom was a dog. They could be a dog with feathers."

Luna begins, "No I mean..." She stops herself.

Hinata, on the other hand, chooses to go for it, "I think what Luna's trying to say is we're not nonferals."

Rowan laughs slightly, "Are you sure? Like positive?"

Luna nods, "positive. Besides, the only animal theming I have are in my ears and tail."

Rowan continues, "Then if you're not nonferal then you are loons?"

Hinata speaks up, "Nah, we're closer to humanoid cyborgs with animal features. At least for Luna and I."

Spider tilts their head, "Why would we be loons?"

Cole nods, "I'm just a cyborg with no animal features, with malleable bones."

Luna adds, "Unless you mean humans? Then yes that would be closer to correct."

"Ah" Rowan nods and mumbles quietly to himself, "Loony loons."

Cole facepalms with a heavy sigh. Luna tilts her head, "Heh?"

Spider sighs, "At least he's not screaming."

"True," It's at this point Hinata notices Lochlan staring at Rowan and turns her attention towards them, "Uh something up Lochlan?"

Lochlan whispers a bit as she keeps her stare, "I dunno."

Rowan raises his voice to normal again, "I got side tracked again, my fault- rabbit trails am I right? So, uh you're Cole correct?" He points to Cole.

Cole nods, "Correct, I was the one you talked to at the police station."

Luna watches and takes notes.

"Ok so like..." Rowan crosses his legs and gets comfortable, "How have things been? What's going on?"

Hinata tilts her head in confusion, "Uh it's been pretty okay, kind of quiet on our end. Though I would prefer quiet rather than being in danger."

Cole sighs, "Things have been fine, I guess? Though I'm still curious as to why and how you know that much about me."

Cole stares at Rowan.

Rowan keeps a chiper tone, "Well a little birdy told me you're not exactly in the safest position so I thought I'd stop by and check in on things."

Cole raises an eyebrow, "Yeah? Bold of you to assume that this place isn't safe."

Luna asks, "What do you mean we're unsafe here Rowan?"

Rowan sounds unconvinced, "Mhm. Well for starters you mentioned a weird plank of wood showing up."

Cole lets out a huff that sounds annoyed, "I know who did it, he's some fucking motorcycle asshole that I have no information on other then he has a ID of a dead man."

Spider mutters, "I still don't get how he has it."

Luna is typing notes rather quickly and watching the scene, "I mean if some asshole wants to come to our house to give us trouble, we wouldn't go down without a fight."

Rowan gets out his phone, "Well I'm more on the side of avoiding fights all together."

Cole nods, "Yeah I figured, I have multiple nonlethal measures inside my new suits as well as several alert systems for any threat that could approach."

Luna sighs, "Dang, I've been wanting to use my magic again. But that's fair. And thank you Cole for protecting us regardless." Hinata nods as well.

Rowan still sounds chipper but with a slight touch of a professional voice, "So with safety I usually stick to three points. Point one being surveillance. Does the alert system include any surveillance around the house?"

"What do you think?" Cole raises an eyebrow at Rowan, "An alert system is no good without knowing what's coming, now let me guess you're gonna say something like action or defense as the next point?"

Rowan nods, "Physical defense, yes. I'd recommend everyone have some form of weapon on them."

"I mean I have these?" Luna goes into her bag and pulls out a set of sharp handheld claws. They have a blue-steel finish to them. "My cait katars."

Hinata asks, "And I have my warhammer and a samurai blade. Does that count?"

Cole seems genuinely curious as he still keeps his right eye shut, "I have my revolver, now I'm curious what your next point is?"

Rowan continues, "Last but not least. Communication. There's no use in all of that if no one can ask each other for help. Does everyone have some way to contact one another other than yelling?"

"We do," Cole nods, "I'm curious though, are you just asking these questions out of the goodness of your heart to make sure we are safe or are you trying to pull a fast one on us?"

Luna adds, "Cuz honestly, and I mean no offense, but you seem like you're collecting information from us out of nowhere."

Lochlan's ear flicks as she speaks up, "Wait, I don't."

Hinata looks to Lochlan, "Well since you're living with us for now, you can join the group chat."

Lochlan tilts her head, "Uhhh. How exactly do I do that?"

Hinata continues, "Well, the group chat is in a server. Are you able to enable access to apps and websites in your system settings? If so, I can send you the link."

Lochlan nods, "A link could work."

Hinata tilts her head, "And uh how exactly do i do tha- oh wait, I'm dumb. Luna, you could do it through Datrrs."

Luna nods as she begins typing on her laptop.

Lochlan mumbles, "Oh uhhh ok." After a moment she furrows her brow, "I have to make an account?"

Cole responds, "Yeah, do you not have an email?"

"Not I do... wha..." After a moment Lochlan's ears fold and she starts to fold in on herself. Rowan tilts his head.

Cole tilts his head slightly, "Are you okay?"

"Lochlan what's wrong?" Luna asks.

Lochlan covers her face and sounds upset, "The website called me a robot."

Luna raises an eyebrow, "Ohhh you mean the captcha? Just click the box."

"BUT I'M A ROBOT!" Lochlan whines as she curls up more.

Luna explains, "No no, it's checking to make sure you're actually sentient, meaning you can speak and talk. There are bad robots that they don't want on the site. You're not that."

Cole nods in agreement, "Just check the box, you'll be fine."

Hinata adds, "Besides, Luna, Cole, and I are all cyborgs too, and we use the chat. You're gonna be okay Lochlan."

Lochlan contradicts what she just said as she grumbles, "I'm not like you all."

Hinata smiles, "So you're not a robot then? Then what do you have to lose?"

Lochlan uncovers her face while taking some deep breaths, "Nothing! Nothing. I have nothing to lose. Its fine..." She's able to calm down surprisingly quickly. "I'm ok I'll be ok. I'm ok I- feedback loop detected- ok, I'm ok I'll be ok." Her ears twitches as she takes a more serious and tired expression again.

Hinata lies, "There you go. You're not one of us, thus you're not a robot. Meaning you have nothing to worry about."

Lochlan sighs, "I'm not a robot." She glances at everyone watching, "...Can we uh... Can we pretend no one saw that?"

Luna nods, "Yeah that's fine."

Hinata still smiles, "Consider it gone."

Cole chuckles, "What did I see?"

"Nothing." Lochlan clears her throat.

Rowan nods, "I see you all have all the bases covered!" Rowan stands up, "Looks like my job here is done for now!"

"Uhh," Luna asks, confused, "So how exactly are you here and how do you get back? You're not on Nonferal Earth."

Rowan smiles, "I have transport."

Luna squints, "Transport? I didn't know crossworld transportation was a thing."

Cole raises an eyebrow, "Uhuh..."

"Anyways, I'll be going then!" Rowan heads to the front door.

"Hang the hell on!" Luna yells to Rowan, "that doesn't explain shit!"

Cole stares at Rowan with a suspicious look, "Do you mind telling me about how you plan on going back?"

Rowan reaches for the door knob, "Exactly. I didn't explain."

Luna growls, "Then riddle me this, You say you don't know Cole yet you know everything about him. You even know where we live as well. That shouldn't be possible considering you're not in the nonferal world."

Cole makes a fist with one of her hands as the doorknob becomes unturnable.

Rowan tries the door handle and tilts his head at it not working. "Huh. Your door is a bit broken."

"Answer the questions," Cole narrows his eyes at Rowan.

Luna says firmly, "All I'm asking for is an answer, or else you'll be treated as a threat to the livelihood of my family."

Rowan laughs some, "Funny thing. I don't know either!"

Luna closes her eyes for a few moments to process everything. After some time passes, Luna asks, "do you remember how you gained information on Cole's exact height, motorcycle model, and jacket size? It's a strange piece of information for just some random nonferal to have." Her eyes are still closed. She seems to be struggling.

Rowan shrugs, "Some people told me to find him."

Luna opens her eyes and stares directly at Rowan with a serious look on her face, "Some people eh? Wanna tell us who's looking for Cole to the point where they'll transport a random nonferal like you to another World? I can tell it's a threat, otherwise you wouldn't require us to have surveillance, communications, and defensive systems in place."

Cole nods her head in agreement.

Rowan sighs, "It's not a threat. I was told to make sure you were safe."

Luna continues, "You misunderstand me Rowan. I don't blame you one bit, but I worry about the person who told you to make sure we're safe. That is the person I don't trust because they clearly have the power to transport you to another universe entirely. Unless you were told by them to keep their identity secret."

Cole groans, "Who the fuck cares if they want their identity secret? They have the ability to transport people across worlds and I want to know WHO."

Rowan shrugs again, "Well I don't know who either sooooo."

Luna shakes her head, "incorrect Rowan. You claimed they weren't a threat, thus you know who they are. Stop fucking lying!"

Cole glares at Rowan, "Will you just say who it is before I dig it out of your fucking brain?"

Rowan laughs, "I'm telling you, I don't know a thing."

Luna goes silent, once again closing her eyes while deep in thought.

Cole starts approaching Rowan. "Well, now I gotta dig through your brain,"

Cole draws her combat knife as she approaches.

Luna still has her eyes closed, "Wait what?"

Rowan doesn't seem alarmed at all as he just watches. Lochlan starts to stand up.

Luna opens her eyes and watches Cole. Her cait katars are on standby.

Cole stares at Rowan, "You got about 5 seconds to say who it was, or this knife is gonna have a new home."

Rowan blinks, "I don't know man."

Lochlan grumbles some, "Cole, back off."

"Lochlan?" Luna turns her head to face her, "What's going on?"

Cole looks over at Lochlan, "Why? Do you have a better plan?"

Lochlan sounds annoyed, "We shouldn't have to hurt anyone just because they don't know something."

Rowan mumbles to himself while checking his watch, "Man. I'm gonna miss the new episode of that show..."

Cole huffs, "Well I wanna know information, and this fucking himbo whore won't tell me shit."

Luna sighs and puts her katars away, "You know what? You're right. That's the kind of shit our enemies would pull on us. We need to be better than them. We'll... figure it out somehow."

Rowan nods, "Can the himbo whore leave and watch tv?"

Luna looks over at Cole, "Just let him go. I doubt the Gods will let us have answers so easily."

Cole grumbles and mumbles as she makes her way back to the wall she was leaning on, "I never get to torture people."

Rowan tries to open the door again as it works this time.

Luna waves goodbye to Rowan, "Take care man, tell your mysterious benefactor Luna says hi!"

Rowan steps out, "Cool. Anyways I knew who it was-" Rowan sprints out the door.

"Yeah??? I'm not stupid." Luna groans.

"MOTHERFUCKER-" Cole's eyes flicker to glowing pink as black smoke pours out of her nose.

Lochlan sighs and puts a hand to her face

Luna turns over to Lochlan, "so Lochlan, you know him pretty well don'tcha? The tension between you two was palpable."

Cole grumbles unintelligible nonsense to herself as black smoke slowly falls out of her nose, her eyes remaining pink.

Lochlan tilts her head at Luna, "What do you mean by that?" She puts her hands into her pockets.

Luna has a firm tone, "Hmm... you basically stared at him for most of the time, you stopped Cole from getting information, you facepalmed when he left. Honestly, it just feels like that wasn't the first time you met him."

Cole huffs as she stares at the door, the huff makes a thick burst of smoke come out of her nose.

"I've met him before." Lochlan looks over at Cole, "...Someone's having a temper tantrum."

Luna shrugs, "I mean can you blame her? There's someone out there with nearly exact information on her that also has the capability of sending people through Worlds. If I was in her position, I'd be freaking out too Lochlan."

Cole mumbles, "I'd like to tear whoever it is apart." She grips her knife tighter in her hand

Lochlan looks have been about to say something but stops herself as she looks down at Cole's hand.

Luna notices Lochlan hesitating, "Hm? Something on your mind Lochlan?"

Lochlan tries to whisper just quietly enough that Cole can't hear, "I might know..."

Luna nods and speaks up, "Would you want something to eat Lochlan? I'm kinda hungry."

Cole doesn't seem to have heard as she seems preoccupied with being really angry.

Lochlan sounds a hint worried as she watches Cole, "Uhm. Yeah."

Luna tries to keep calm, "Okay, come to the kitchen then." Luna walks out to get away from the tense atmosphere. Lochlan briskly walks out.