Etched with Scars

November 21, 2023

Lochlan is asleep while she's standing before her legs finally give out. She lays on the ground and grumbles, finding herself in Cole and Luna’s living room.

It is at this moment that Luna realizes Lochlan was sleeping standing up all night. She looks over at her curiously, but also highly concerned, "Uh Lochlan? Why did you sleep standing up?"

Lochlan groans as she sits up, "I did what?"

Hinata explains with concern, "You came home from whatever happened, you fell asleep standing up, and about 15 minutes ago you collapsed."

Lochlan feels her mouth to find dried blood. She looks over at Cole who dead asleep leaning on the wall by the hallway.

Lochlan looks confused, "Home from what?"

Luna tilts her head from side to side, "Okay, you saw this location like 112 miles and a super specific direction from I assume the lighthouse. Cole’s helper Max said there was a ravine? And then something about a sigil. And then last I heard a masked knife wielder attacked you two. Also uh," Luna opens her messenger bag and pulls out a handkerchief handing it to Lochlan, "You have a lot of blood on your mouth. Do you feel any pain anywhere?"

Lochlan goes to stand but instantly goes back to the floor. She winces some, "Well I tore evey muscle in my legs, what the heck. Why don't I remember what happened myself?"

Hinata nods, "Good question, also you literally stood up straight sleeping since like 10pm last night it's almost 24 hours later. So maybe soreness? But uh hang on, HEY COLE! WAKE THE HECK UP!" Hinata yells at Cole.

Luna's ears are flattened, "thanks for the heads up Hina."

Cole jolts awake as he blinks several times, "What?! Huh?!"

"Lochlan's legs are torn up and we're still trying to piece together what the hell happened. Do you have any idea? Seems like all four of us are left in the dark." Luna explains.

Cole sighs and relaxes, "What happened was we walked for like 112 miles and then got into a foggy area then walked through a town? Thing? Not sure entirely, then we kept walking and I approached an alter with some gore on it, then I suddenly was in a different location and fought two masked people with knives and saw Lochlan just standing there, staring into the forest I also marked the location on my GPS but it marked it like it was in the ocean? For some reason?"

Luna is staring ahead while attempting to process everything and struggling.

Hinata tilts her head in confusion, "Okay, that doesn't explain how Lochlan has a bunch of blood around her mouth."

Luna adds, "Or her memory loss."

Lochlan looks more worried as they all speak.

"Also the fact that you found a symbol worries me," Luna says before pulling out a notepad and drawing the symbol from the altar, then she shows it to Lochlan, "Lochlan, do you have any idea what this is?" 

Lochlan's ears fold back as her face fills with worry, "...No."

Luna blinks in confusion and types on her laptop, "Hm. Really really weird." Luna turns to Lochlan, recognizing her expression, "I'm sorry for worrying you. I have no doubt that we're safe here, it's just.. I'm trying to help y'all make heads or tails of everything."

Hinata adds, "Besides, if some chucklefucks want to harm us, they have to go through us first. Cole, Violet, Spider, myself, and Luna are all capable fighters. We ain't letting some jerks mess with you!"

Lochlan looks away nervously.

Luna takes a couple extra moments to decide something then turns to a more firm tone, "Lochlan? You know the symbol don't you? Don't lie to me." Luna is looking directly at her.

Lochlan stays looking away, "Well uhhh... heh. Not particularly?" Lochlan is acting overly nervous.

Luna stands up and peers directly down at Lochlan who is seated, "Incorrect. You're acting extremely nervous. You know this mark. Tell me, or else I can't help you.'

Lochlan folds her arms and speaks back just as sternly, "No."

Luna continues, "Another lie! Lochlan Whim, stop fucking lying to me!"

Hinata joins the staredown to help Luna. Cole slowly looks over at Lochlan and stares at her in thought. Lochlan keeps her head turned away and now a determined expression.

Luna continues with a more commanding and firm tone like that of a drill sergeant, "LOCHLAN WHIM, ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION! WHAT IS THE SYMBOL."

Lochlan doesn't flinch and stays quiet.

Cole looks over at Hinata with a face of "I have a dumb idea."

Hinata nods, as if non verbally saying to do it.

Cole looks back at Lochlan as two sets of taser prongs pop out from the gloves on the armor and presses one of the prongs into her neck as he orders, "Answer, the question."

Luna commands once more, "Answer the question Lochlan Whim."

Lochlan gives them an unamused look. "Ok. I get I have a fear of touch and all but it's not enough to go spillin everythin I know over a poke to the neck."

Hinata turns to Cole with a fearful look in her eyes.

Cole places the other set of prongs next to the other set to prevent any damage to the electronics as one of the prongs becomes electrified, his expression doesn't seem to show any discomfort or regret. Luna grimaces.

Lochlan jolts and yelps. She scoots away from him while putting her hands to her neck, "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!?"

Both Luna and Hinata are now getting uncomfortable.

Cole again orders, "Answer the question." The prongs are visibly electrified again as he steps closer.

Luna tries to command, "Answer the question. What do you know about the symbol? Do you want to be shocked again?"

Lochlan shakes her head, "You're all insane. You're just turning on me that easily???" She scoots back into the wall as far as she can.

Hinata growls, "You're the one making this really fucking hard. We just need to know why the fuck these creeps have hadal symbols. You keep dodging the fucking questions."

Luna tries to commands once more, "This isn't us turning on you. This is us trying to learn things so we can help you. Answer the question."

Cole walks towards Lochlan as he orders, "Answer the question."

Lochlan yells in annoyance, "MAYBE I DON'T WANT TO ANSWER THE QUESTION."

Cole electrifies the prongs again as he yells, "MAYBE YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE HERE."

Lochlan holds up her arms as if trying to block Cole from herself, "I have free will thank you!!!" She sounds like a mixture of scared and outraged.

Luna and Hinata grow dead silent as they watch. Both have grown much more uncomfortable at seeing Cole's actions.

Cole aims to swiftly shove both taser prongs into her chest as one set becomes electrified, "I'll show you free will."

Lochlan yelps again as she folds in on herself and covers her chest with her arms, "-AHH You can't do this to me- what the heck is wrong with you?!?"

"Cole, I think we need to stop," Luna speaks up with concern, "I'm sure we'll learn about the cult soon."

Hinata adds, "Please before she actually gets her electronics fried again."

Cole huffs as the prongs seal away into the gloves. He says with an unsatisfied tone, "Fine" Cole turns and walks back to where he was leaning.

Luna groans and her eyes return to their usual blue, "Fucking hell." Her tone is extremely uncomfortable. Hinata walks out of the house to refresh herself.

Luna is back on the couch, dead silent. Lochlan watches Cole with a bit of fear as she keeps herself curled up. Cole stands there in silence with his arms folded. Lochlan slowly starts sniffling in the corner as she shifts to sitting with her knees pulled in.

Luna sighs from the sniffling. Her eyes swap from her usual blue to a deep green, as she asks in a much slower and more monotone voice, "M-- ugh. Lochlan? You know L-- erm. We only wanted to help. But to help, we need information. I am sorry. For not stopping Cole sooner."

Cole doesn't seem to react to the sniffles and seems preoccupied.

Luna adds while looking towards Cole, "And to M-- ugh. Cole. Please. Take your meds."

Cole seems to snap out of it a little and looks over at Luna, "What? I was uh.. handling something."

Luna replies while holding up her phone, "Max requested you begin taking your medicine."

Cole nods slowly as he responds, "Got it... will do."

Luna adds, "You appeared to be occupied with something, Cole."

Lochlan growls under her breath, "That means to take it now. Ya buckle belt."

Cole seems to snap to look at Lochlan then looks back at Luna, "I mean I was and now I' have my full attention."

"It may be in your best interest to take the medicine. Do you require assistance in taking them?"

Cole narrows his eyes at Luna as he takes a concerning amount of time to respond, "I... can take them by myself, I don't need help."

Lochlan rolls her eyes.

Luna tilts her head in confusion, "What is it with difficult people today? Are we cursed? We only wished to assist with knowledge. And as for you Cole, it was no more than a daily reminder. But I cannot force you to accept my offer. Much like we cannot force Lochlan to explain more about the symbol."

Cole slowly looks over at Lochlan then seemingly forces himself to look away as he sighs and snaps a pill bottle into his hand and takes one of the pills.

Luna nods, "Thank you Cole."

Cole sighs as he mutters under his breath, "Stupid fuckin pills.." he seems to be getting more and more tired.

Lochlan scoffs in a low tone, "Like you're any better..."

Cole gives Lochlan a tired side eye as he mumbles, "Not worth it." Cole snaps his fingers as the armor on him disappears. He starts walking to the backyard to ease his mind.