Open Secrets

November 20, 2023

Spid - So it's been a while

Spid - -begin frequency Chester

Datr - [Begin frequency]

Datr - [Chester continues down the road through downtown Cherrywood. He passes a few nonferals on his way but keeps his eyes to the ground. He watches both feet as he takes each step.]

Spid - Hello Chester

Datr - [Chester's ear flicks but he doesn't respond as he keeps walking. Soon he's passed the main building of the town and is heading towards a visible shore line.]

Spid - How's things?

Elar - Oh hey Chester! Long time no see

Elar - You're going to the ocean?

Datr - [Chester makes a small grumble as he proceeds. Soon he can see the board walk with a cluttered carnival. Several different rides peek out from behind the tents and booths, all lined with strings of lights. Everything is off or stationary aside from the busy workers who move between tents. Chester walks to the boardwalk as he somewhat watches the workers as they clean up or sort items.]

Elar - Ah I see! Okay, so all you have to do is ask Gambit for an interview, probably just ask around where he is. You got this, just wing it!

Datr - [As Chester walks, he is startled by a voice that yells out from in front of him, "CHESTAAAA!!!" Chester watches as Gambit approaches him. Gambit holds up both arms in joy. Chester does nervous jazz hands as he responds a bit more quietly, "...Gambiiiiit?"]

Elar - Oh wow! He seems friendly, if not perhaps a bit extra. Glad to see the deal is still on the table.

Datr - [Gambit trots up to Chester. He wears a dark and light blue jester's outfit decorated with yellow gold and stars. He seems to wear a mask over his face with dark marks around his eyes and a dark star on his forehead. A pair of ears stick up from his nightcap like hat as he nods in greeting. He lowers his arms that are covered by oversized sleeves, "Chester! Chester! My oh my it's been a few days since I heard you were looking for a job!" Chester nervously laughs, "Yeah, I uhhh got a bit preoccupied."]

Elar - Preoccupied with what? Also not gonna lie, his outfit is really cool, if not creepy.

Datr - [Gambit giggles some and gestures to a tent nearby, "Well I'm glad you showed up now! I have plenty of time for an in depth interview if you are ready!" Chester gives a polite nod, "Oh of course! I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Gambit grins.]

Elar - Let's go Chester! We'll be here if you need help on the questions

Datr - [Chester goes to enter the tent. It's slightly cluttered inside with a cheap desk, piles of papers, and several filing cabinets surrounding it all. A metal folding chair sits on either side of the desk and a small dreamcatcher hangs from the top of the tent. A few pairs of reading glasses hang on a support beam of the tent and a heavy coat is laying over a cot. Gambit walks in and takes his seat behind the desk as he props his feet up on the desk while leaning back. Chester hesitantly sits in the other chair as he takes in his surroundings. Gambit begins, "So what are your strengths? Any special talents or buffs you are ready to let the world see?" Chester takes a second to think over his answer.]

Elar - Uh I mean do you have any special talents? Hm, lemme see here, you could tell him all of the simple stuff like you're dependable and a good leader, plus you learn fast. Most employers like that sorta thing.

Datr - [Chester nods, "Well yes I learn fast and I am very reliable." Gambit nods, "Well yeah but anything... past that? Past the reasonable?" Chester picks at one hand nervously, "I wouldn't think so?" Gambit nods, "Very well. And what do you think are your weaknesses? Maybe anything I should be aware of before hiring you?"]

Elar - I mean you have the alcoholism and the gagging, but I doubt he needs to know about the booze. The gagging is probably good to mention, just in case you need help. Sometimes you can be kinda boastful about being clean despite your house being not exactly that. No offense of course. And just saying, it's best you don't say you don't have weaknesses, better to be humble and stuff.

Datr - [Chester responds after a slight pause, "I don't do well with the smell of gasoline or rotting foods. Personality wise however I can be a bit too proud at times." Gambit looks off at the wall in thought as he squints, "Very good very good. Definitely not going to be anywhere near the pyro acts. That's for certain... hmmm. Last question. Do you keep secrets." Gambit looks directly at Chester and waits for an answer.]

Elar - The fuck kind of employment question is that??? I mean you definitely do, the doe in your dream for example, especially since it triggered the gagging reflex. Also there's your gender identity, which I don't think needs to come up with Gambit. Doubt he cares if you're trans or whatever, Chester. And lastly, you have us in your head, so you're probably a loon? Honestly, it's probably best to be honest, but you don't have to be specific.

Luna - hiiiiii chester!

Datr - [Chester furrows his brow in thought as Gambit continues to stare. Chester responds, "Yes." Gambit nods as he takes his feet off the desk and sits up. He holds out a hand to Chester and gives a wide toothy smile, "You're hired!"]

Elar - Hell yeah congratulations Chester!

Datr - [Chesters ears perk up, "Really? No background checks or even references?" Gambit keeps his hand out, "I don't see any issues here." Chester smiles some as he firmly shakes Gambits hand, "Thank you sir." Gambit lets go and sits back again, "See you the day after tomorrow at 12. And be sure to bring an umbrella in case it rains. Chester happily nods as he stands up, "I will, I will. See you then." Gambit gives him another nod as Chester heads oyt of the tent. He begins briskly walking out of the carnival grounds.]

Elar - Whoa, not even a background check. That's incredible luck! Congratulations!!

Datr - [Chester smiles still as he keeps walking back into town.]

Elar - Anyway, have a fantastic night dude, take care! -end frequency

Datr - [End Frequency]