A Date with Chester

Cole appears wearing his gas mask and gloves as he walks up the stairs

On walking up he can see the sky is relatively clear and the snow had all melted away. Any trees other than pines are still missing theor leaves and theres still a hint of chill in the air.

Cole's eyes turn very slightly blue as he vaults the railing then starts walking into town, searching for Chester

As he heads into town he sees all of the christmas decorations had been cleared out. Nonferals stroll the streets and greet their neighbors.

Cole keeps his head on a swivel as he looks for Chester, and watching out for any police

As he heads into the heart of the town it's fairly busy and many stores are open. Theres a few rare loons walking about with their faces covered.

Cole notes the rare loons as he heads to the carnival

It takes awhile but he eventually gets theres. It's busy with people flooding the board walks and enjoying the sights.

Cole starts scanning for Chester, seemily getting nervous with the amount of people

Walking through the crowd so he can see more, it's incredibly loud. Various workers are dressed in extravagant outfits and different styles and walking around for entertainment. A few of the workers from a booth notice Cole and keep an eye on him.

Cole gets more nervous with the people in the booths staring at him, he continues to search for Chester

One of the workers gets up from the booth and heads towards Cole

Cole gets more nervous as he continues walking

The worker walks up to him, "Hey sir?"

Cole turns to look at the worker as he struggles to hide how nervous he is, "What's up?"

"I couldn't help but notice you're a bit nervous. If you need any assistance or somewhere quiter to sit for a moment I would happy to help."

Cole nods as he looks slightly less nervous, looking for a name tag

Their name is John. They nod, "If you want you can join me at this tent over here."

Cole nods as he goes to follow him

They head into a tent with one side open towards the crowd. The worker moves aside a rope that has employees only on it to let him get to a set of benches next to a water cooler. Theres only one other worker sitting on a bench while drinking some water.

Cole sits down on the bench as he continues to scan for Chester

The worker beside him tries to chat, "So what brings you here today? Friends or family? Or perhaps here for rollarcoasters?"

Cole looks over at the Worker as he sighs, "I uh....i'm looking for someone"

"And who might that be?"

Cole thinks for a couple seconds, "Chester"

"Oh the new guy?" the worker near by also looks up on hearing the name, "Yeah he's out on a delivery run. Should find him getting somethings at the mail tent." The worker then points off to a path, "Should be that direction around the corner with yellow and blue stripes."

Cole nods as he stands up, "Thanks" Cole starts heading to the path that they pointed to

As he heads through the crowd he finds the tent fairly easily. Its less busy around this corner as theres less atractions and more workers around. Theres plastic tables set up with flyers and packages. A truck is parked outside of it. A worker is unloading the truck. Cole spots a hyena nonferal picking up some spilled papers off the floor and shoving them back in a messenger bag.

Cole waves over to them as he offers, "Do you want some help?"

Chester glances up a moment, "Oh no, I've got it. It's what they get for setting up a tent by the ocean. Nothing but random breezes."

Cole asks, "Is there a tarp or something? It could block more of the breeze"

Chester gets the rest of the paper and stands up. "Nope. They need it open for deliveries and sh-stuff."

Cole snickers quietly, "I'm not gonna snitch on you if you curse, i was just curious what's goin on over here"

Chester shrugs, "Its just a mail tent." He has a heavy scent of alchol reaking off of him.

Cole doesn't seem to care, "Soooo i'm assuming you want me to fuck off?"

Chester shrugs as he walks past Cole. "I don't really care either way." As he walks cole can see a noticeable limp and a slight sway to his movements. He might be a bit tipsy.

Cole decides to stick around as he shrugs, "I'm gonna stick around so you aren't bored out of your mind, also are you good? You seem to be limping slightly"

Chester begins walking away from the carnival. walking past a gap in the fencing for the delivery trucks to enter, "Just a bad leg. I'm fiiine." As he gets out of the carnival he also draws a metal flask from the messanger bag to take a swig.

Cole rolls his eyes as he notices the flask, "You drink?"

Chester doesn't even look at him as he takes another swig, "I don't drink." He puts the flask away as he keeps walking. He has a bit of a dead stare as he goes.

Cole raises an eyebrow as he nods slowly, "Right..."

Chester says a bit tiredly, "So what's being a loon like?"

Cole shrugs as he answers, "I wouldn't know, i'm not a loon"

He looks over with a raised eyebrow, "Really? So why do you cover up your face then?"

Cole turns away slightly as he sighs, "That's a long story...."

"So whatcha doin tonight?" Chester stays looking towards Cole

Cole shrugs, "Not much, why?"

"You like movies?...wait no that wont work." Chester looks down in thought

Cole looks interested, "What kinda movie?"

Chester swipes at the air, "Nah, they don't let you bring your own snacks."

Cole snickers quietly, "That's if you get caught, i'm pretty damn good at hiding things"

Chester looks over at him again, "No. You're the snack. I was using a pick up line."

Cole stares for a couple seconds then goes quiet as his eye's briefly change to amber then back to Hazel, "Right, i'm uh...not the best at picking those up"

They are slowly walking past town and towards the woods as the sun is starting to go down. "Evidently. So do you trust me enough to tell me why you hide your face now?"

"I said a pick up line. Thats how it usually works."

Cole sighs and rolls his eyes, "Unfortunately no, it's a little more complicated then what you might think"

"Ain't no way you're THAT ugly."

Cole sighs and shakes his head, "It's not because of how i look, it's more of uh...what i am"

"A loon."

Cole groans in slight annoyance as he glances around to see if they're alone, "You wanna know what i am?"

Theres noone in sight, "Yeah. A loon."

Cole looks at Chester, "You don't have loonism right?" Cole grips the bottom of his gas mask

Chester shrugs, "Pretty sure I don't."

Cole pulls his gas mask off in one smooth motion as he takes a deep breath of relief

Chester slows to stop as he looks Cole's face up and down. After a moment Chester blinks, "Hm. Another one."

Cole sighs, "I'm assuming your talking about MailMan" Cole drops his gasmask as he puts his hands in his jacket pockets 

"Yeah. But you have a bit morrreeee... of a natural look? I don't know how to explain it."

Cole looks curious as he asks, "Well do i look ugly or not?" 

Chester nods, "Nah you're pretty good. I wouldn't say a 9 but a solid 8."

Cole smiles as his eyes shift to a slight amber, "Well thank you, i'd say you're around a 9 or a 10" Cole shrugs as he continues smiling, "Hard to tell"

Chester tilts his head slightly, "That's a bit higher up than I'm usually put."

Cole seems confident in his answer, "Well maybe those people need their eyes checked"

Chester scoffs, "Very funny man but you're ganna have to try alot harder to get to me with words." Chester resumes walking

Cole rolls his eyes as he shrugs, "I guess i'll just keep all of this money to myself"

Chester pauses in his tracks and looks back, "Ok usually people lead with the money bit if they are wanting to buy something."

Cole continues, "I'd say i would buy your time but i'm sure you've heard that a thousand times by now, look i just think that your a really good looking guy and i just want to take out for a movie, drinks or whatever you'd want"

"Yeah sure why not. I can deliver this stuff tomorrow sometime. Besides I get paid either way." Chester shrugs

Cole smiles, "Whatcha wanna do?"

"Usually when people wanna buy my time they tell me what they want to do... you've never done this before have you?"

Cole shakes his head, "Do you want me to pick? Cause i'm down for a movie if you are"

Chester nods, "Sounds good to me. We going to Haze borough, Cherrywood, or other places?"

Cole suggests, "Cherry wood, Haze Borough isn't too kind to people like me" Cole grabs his gas mask and slips it back on

Chester turns and starts to walk to town, "Yeah I figured as much. So what movie are we seeing?"

Cole seems to think for a little while, "uhhh the...the movie with guns?"

"The Hue Sharp one? I'm down for it."

Cole nods as he sighs in relief quietly, "Yeah, that one"

"I heard the actor moved up to Haze borgough while shooting for the film. I wouldn't doubt it if they stay up there after getting a taste of the high life." They continue walking as they make it into town. The streets are less busy as street lights light up the sidewalks downtown.

Cole nods, "Sounds like your typical acting career to me" Cole seems excited as he looks around, making sure he could retrace his steps if needed

They get closer to a small theater with posters along the brick walls. Chester walks up to the doors and holds one open for Cole, "I just hope they don't all upity like the others do."

Cole smiles at Chester as he heads inside, "What do you mean?"

The inside of the theater looks just as small with a desk for tickets, a desk for concessions, and two halls going in opposite directions for the theaters. Chester shrugs, "Just thinking they're better than everyone."

Cole nods as he realizes he doesn't have any legal money, "Mhm, where are the restrooms?"

The man at the consessions booth gestures to the hall on the right, "First door on your left."

Cole grabs Chester by the wrist and drags him over to the restrooms with a sense of urgency

Chester stumbles some as he follows. They enter a simple bathroom with stalls.

Cole whispers, "I uh....just realized i don't have enough money.....on me..."

Chester tilts his head, "How much do you have?"

Cole pulls out a US dollar and extends it to Chester, "This...."

Chester takes it and squints, "What the fuck is this? This isn't money!?!?"

Cole shrugs, "It's money?! i think?!"

Chester gets out a bill in nonferal curency. it has a nonferal depicted on it, "THIS is currency. Not that ancient ass loon shit."

Cole looks confused, "What is that?! Washington's fursona?!?!"

"The fuck is a fursona?!?"

Cole shrugs and looks confused, "Good question?!"

Chester huffs, "Ok so how badly do you want to see that movie and how are you with morally incorrect decisions?"

Cole looks at Chester, "You say morally incorrect, i say kissable men do those" 

Chester's face turns red, "...Uh-" he clears his throat, "Uhm yeah- we'll see that movie."

Cole snickers, "Awesome, i'll follow your lead"

Chester laughs, "My lead is just turning down that halla nd hope they dont notice."

Cole chuckles, "Seems like a good enough lead"

Chester peeks out the door before taking a breath, "Keep it cool and casual." Chester opens the door and calmly walks down the hall

Cole follows behind and stays calm and looks as confident as possible

Chester looks at the signs to each theater before ducking into one of the doors.

Cole ducks into the same door as Chester with a barely audible snicker

Chester smiles as he makes his way up the stairs that line either side of the seats. He whispers, "EZ."

Cole whispers back, "You've proven my point" as he follows Chester

Chester finds a set of seats near the middle and quietly shuffles past a few poeple who are already seated. He sits down.

Cole sits down next to Chester with a wide grin

They sit back and watch the movie. Most of it was filled with action scenes of a nonferal toucan with sharp shooting skills due to seeing colors differently after a science experiment gone wrong. Theres various chase scenes of Hue chasing a criminal that has the fbi concerned. The movie ends in Hue Sharp defeating an evil organization that was trying to blow up the city with explosives. After the credits is a cliff hanger depicting a set of explosives that were forgotten slowly ticking down to one before it cuts to black. The audience cheers as the movie ends and the lights cut on. Everyone starts getting up and heading tiwards the exit.

Cole stands up as he offers a hand to Chester to help him stand, "That was a good movie"

Chester takes the hand and stands up, "Yeah. I can't wait for the next one."

Cole starts leading Chester out of the theater, "When does it come out?"

Chester follows, "I have no idea. I doubt they announced anything yet."

Cole looks like he has something to say but keeps his mouth shut as he keeps walking

They exit the theater as Cole gets a few strange looks from people who left the theater, assumably looking at his helmet.

Cole doesn't seem to care that much as he still looks like he has something to say

Chester keeps walking just to get away from the front doors, "So now what?"

Cole shrugs, "I don't know but i have a question" Cole sounds curious

Chester looks over at him, "Yeah what is it?"

Cole sighs, "I'm assuming you wouldn't care if i had a criminal history? Right?"

Chester speaks quieter, "Aslong as you're ok with mine."

Cole nods with a smile, "I don't give a fuck, your secrets are safe with me"

Chester sighs, "Good."

Cole looks curious as he asks, "Do you have any questions for me?"

"I mean... Well why did were you at the carnival today?"

Cole sounds not super confident "I uh...i was bored and looking for kissable men?"

Chester blinks as his face turns red, "Well alrighty then. Though wouldn't that mean you should be lost in a mirror maze right about now?"

Cole's eyes turn a deep shade of amber as he stammers, "I uh...uhm"

Chester snickers, "Gottem. So we calling it a day or getting drinks?"

Cole clears his throat as he offers, "We could get drinks? Well...at least for you cause....ya'know" Cole gestures to the gas mask

"I bet you could run a straw somewhere in there."

Cole playfully rolls his eyes, "You know how ridiculous that would look....buuut i haven't had drinks in a while...you know what fuck it i'll run a straw in here"


Cole appears on the floor with his jacket all ruffled up with his gas mask shoved up his face with a couple glowsticks around his neck

Lochlan glances down at Cole from the corner, "...Cole?"

Cole groans as he looks over at Lochlan, "What...." He sounds very hungover

Lochlan squints, "Are you ok? You sound weird."

Cole waves his hand dismissively at Lochlan, "I'm..fine"

"Where did you even go last night? I was sitting here and you didn't show up even once."

Lochlan is already wearing the dress shirt and dark red pants

Cole groans as he sits up, "I went out on a date...."

Lochlan huffs, "You got a date before I did? And no one even owed you anything!?!?"

Cole giggles as he groans, "Look...i'm just cool like that" Cole props himself up against a wall as he takes his gas mask off

"How do you do it? Could you get someone for me?"

Cole shakes his head as he wags his finger at Lochlan, "Nope, you....you gotta do that yourself"

Luna sighs, "no that's our thing apparently. All cuz your coworker is hot." She had been awake for a while.

Lochlan grumbles "But you guys owe me! Not to mention I'm not exactly experienced in this catagory. I'll be out there like a dry fish in a dessert trying to find water."

Cole looks over at Lochlan, "Dry fish is a dead fish"

Luna shakes her head dismissively, but then smiles, "right, we definitely have more experience. We'll find you someone good."

Cole shakes his head, "Well i gotta check on someone...."

Spider walks in once again heading to her chair. They glance around the room and tilt their head "this is unusual"

Hinata looks over at Spider and waves, "good morning Spi. Sleep well?"

Spider looks over giving a lazy wave back "..yeah, what were you up to yesterday?"

"Who me? Nothing. I went out to the woods for a jog." Hinata shrugs.

"Dry fish or dead fish, point is I can't do shift." (edited)

Cole snickers as he sighs, "Have you considered just being confident?"

This resonates with Luna and she sighs deeply.

Lochlan scoffs, "The issue is I know next to no one. Confidence isn't the issue here."

Cole shrugs as he slowly and a little clumsily stands up, "Get to know some people, talk to some bitches"

"leaving the house is a pretty big part of it as well"

Hinata is dead silent during this whole exchange.

Lochlan nods, "Oh yeah! Ill go talking to the HUMANS in this world that I do not know anything about and end up manipulated again like how i ended up with mailman to begin with."

Cole goes quiet as he quietly grumbles and takes off the glowsticks

Luna finally speaks up, "That's fine Lochlan. We don't break promises. I told you I would find you a date and I will. Just... gonna have to do some looking around."

Spider sighs "I meant the nonferal world, hell I'll tag along if that makes you feel safer"

"And we'll see what we can find outside of it. Not exactly comfortable with going to the nonferal world quite yet." Hinata shrugs, if only to hide her shudder.

"Considering I don't know who all is working for mailman anymore, I don't trust it there either."

Cole holds up a finger, "I....have a vague idea but i'm not gonna say incase i'm horribly wrong"

Luna sighs but nods in agreement, "no that's fair. Best we're totally for sure before we make an ass of ourselves." Luna adds in a "again" but under her breath. (edited)

Her laptop is open to Datrs as she silently reads.

Spiders ears have flattened as they look down at their phone

Hinata leans her head on Luna's shoulder and reads along.