Fortunate Services

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

Datr - [Harper rolls her eyes at the computer screen infront of her, "Of fucking coarse things are pawned off to me again. Fucking figures..."]

Spi - You survived then

Datr - [Harper scoffs, "They fell for playing dead. It was kinda funny."]

Spi - do remember what they did yeah?

Datr - [Harper gets up from her desk and begins filling a messanger bag with files and papers from her desk, "Well I played dead and they bit into my arm. Instantly dropped me and went after Chester..." Harper pauses and smells her own arm, "...Then again it could be that I hadn't showered in awhile..."]

 Luna -So what do you do for a living?

Datr - ["Boring paper work. My boss wants me to show someone around for their first day there. It's always when I have alot to cath up on too." Harper slings the bag over her shoulder before heading out into her livingroom.]

 Luna -Ah I see. Not exactly what I'd call fun. When I was working at the bar, we would regularly get new people who would then need a full on tour of the place. Irritating as hell, so I feel ya.

Datr - [Harper heads outside and begins walking to work, "It's fucking annoying that I don't even get a break either. Doesn't matter if I feel like I'm crawling on death's doorstep."]

 Luna -We didn't either. We worked every night 7 days a week until a murder happened at the bar, now we're just waiting for the place to reopen. I'm sure your boss would give you a day off if you needed it, especially if you're sick

Datr - [Harper sighs, "Just hope I can this done quickly and smoothly." She reaches the gates of the carnival as she sees Gambit all dressed up and standing outside waiting for her. There's guests already arriving early as Gambit waves at her. Harper grumbles as she gets closer.]

 Luna -Wait you work for him??? What the fuck.

Datr - [Harper mumbles, "Yeah?" Gambit runs up to her happily with a large smile, "Harpsi! Darling! You saw the email!!!" Harper grumbles back, "I know can we get this over with?" Gambit lowers his arms and tilts his head some, "Woah. You don't usually sound this gloomy. What happened to old sassafras?" Harper sighs, "I don't want to talk about it. Save it for later." Gambit nods and resumes happily speaking with a booming voice, "Alrighty! Check up schedualed! Now lets get you meeting and greeting our newest member of the team!"]

 Luna -At least he sounds jolly? I guess best you can do is take a deep breath and get this shit over with. When we were told to show people around, they told us to force a smile, so maybe that could help?

Datr - [Gambit holds out his hands to the side, though his sleeves as always cover his hands, "Meet Sage!" Stepping out from behind the gates is the tall nonferal goat. She towers over the both of them and looks down at Harper. Harper's tail coils up some as she forces a polite smile, "Uhhuhuhuh- Sage? This? This is Sage?"]

 Luna -...what the fuck.

Datr - [Gambit continues, "I know she's a little tall but that's becuase of genetics. She's as sweet and gental as can be." Sage gives a soft nod as Harper still looks stunned, "T-This- but that's..." Gambit nods and interrupts, "I know I know I know, but trust me on this. She comes from a rich family up in Haze and Mailman managed to convince one of them to sign up for a job. It's one of the richer one's children or something. I can't afford for us to mess this up so I thought you would be the best candidate to introduce them to the area. Considering you understand how to play proper and all." Gambit goves a wide smile.]

Spi - ...

 Luna -There's no fucking way.

 Luna -I guess just do what Gambit says and show Sage around. It sucks. Trust me, I hate all of this, but it is what it is.

Datr - [Harper gulps and takes a deep breath, "So, what is her job going to be exactly?" Gambit happily responds, "We are finally going to have a legitimate fortune teller! She's really skilled at it to. Though she's still learning English. She can understnad it but isn't confident enough to speak it, so I'll be her temporary translator untill she she is fluent enough to speak with guests." Sage nods again.]

 Luna -Fortune telling. I mean it is a typical carnival thing to have I guess. But like why does a wealthy person like her need a job? I don't get that. So is Gambit just gonna follow us to translate?

Spi - ..that's not the weird thing here Luna

 Luna -You could point it out Spi

Datr - [Harper mentions, "I didn't know you knew French." Gambit giggles some and partly covers his mouth his sleeves, "Lil Mailman has been teaching me. Knew it would come in handy. Now you show Sage where the costumes are and when we get everything washed. I have things to go do for awhile."]

Spi - ..typical

Spi - Don't let her walk behind you

 Luna - And if she speaks, we can translate for you.

Datr - [Harper nods, "Should be pretty easy to do a quick show and tell." Gambit pats Harper on the back, "That's my Harpsi! You can head home as soon as your done but don't forget that paper work! Keep it all coming!" Gambit strolls off into the crowd to check on other workers as Harper groans, "I'm just going to do this as quickly as possible."]

Datr - [End frequency]

 Luna -Oh.

 Luna -Welp, so much for translating for Harper.

Cole - i hope you two don't mind if i connect to Rowan, i gotta apologize for something

 Luna -Yeah go for it

 Luna -Not like we have anything going on at the moment. Spider?

Spi - ..sure