Nosing around

-begin frequency Harper

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

Datr - [Harper taps the end of a pen to her nose as she continues scrolling down the page. She'ssitting in the glow of an old yellowed heavy set computer monitor, surounded by messy piles of bland papers and nillafolders. The smell is putrid as one could imagine but as it's her own home, she's not distracted by it.]

Spi - Did everything go ok with ..Sage?

Datr - ["As far as I know she was very polite. Still not sure what her motives working there is though. I just hope it isn't to get closer to me." Harper sighs as she puts a hand to her mouth for a moment before returning ehr hands to the keyboard. She begins to type out long sets of information as she copies it from a second tab.]

Spi - From the looks of things she's more focused on Chester

Datr - ["I doubt that. She knew way too much personal inmortation to nothave been honed in on me."]

Spi - Speaking of how did you end up at his place?

Datr - ["Sage walked up to me at a store and was acting a bit off. I went to walk away and kept following me. Thought I lost her but she showed up at my house and uh. Well Term tried to help..." Harper looks down a bit as she trails off.]

 Luna - I'm sorry for your loss Harper. Term died a hero, at the very least.

Datr - ["Right." shakes her head slightly before she reumes typing. Beside her a printer sitting on a seperate filing cabinet starts running.]

 Luna -So uh what are you researching? I do a lot of that often, archival being a passion of mine.

Datr - ["Uhm. Might be more of a question for Gambit. It's up to him if he wants anyone knowing." She finishes typing and snatches a paper from the printer and puts it into an envelope. She then sets it in a stack with a few others.]

 Luna -Naw that's fair Harper. Though I do worry about his mental state in hiring Sage to the same place where you and Chester both work. Are you sure you can't give me a little teensy hint? It won't leave my mind~

Datr - ["Look. if you're that desprite then ask Chester what he's delivering every week. He might be more willing to tell you. I'd rather not be the one who gets in trouble for snitching but I wouldn't be so invested as to stop you either... frankly I don't give a fuck."]

 Luna -Ya got it Harper, thanks for the lead. And that's fair, I have no idea what Gambit's like when he's mad, but I can't imagine he's fun to be around. At any point.

Talk to ya later. -end frequency

Datr - [End Frequency]

 Luna -Right next stage.

 Luna - -begin frequency Gambit

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

Datr - [Gambit watches from afar as Rowan speaks to the guests with a beeming smile. Gambit narrows his eyes.]

 Luna - Oh hi Gambit, long time no see.. erm, talk. How's the carnival going? I see Rowan's doing well.

Datr - [Gambit retains his smile and despite being front of guests at a stall, he still speaks outloud, "Oh you again! I was wondering what happened to the loons!"]

 Luna - We're doing fiiiiine, just managing to hang in there despite the chaos. A lot of us are used to chaos, so it ain't that bad. Oooh what stall are you manning today? Sounds busy over there

Datr - ["A gift shop of sorts. Just a little something so I can keep an eye on Rowy. Can't have a show get ruined by him, ya know?"]

 Luna - Naw that's fair, though I doubt he'll ruin anything. As long as he sticks to the script everything will be fine. Speaking of, I hear through the grapevine the carnival's been getting some interesting shipments. And now my innately curious mind's well.. Curious!

Datr - ["Like what? Cuase all we got is styrofoam cups and balloons... god the balloon budget..."]

 Luna - I dunno, it was just a rumor I heard. I can imagine the carnival's balloon surplus is legendary, though with an elastic budget. Sooooo many balloons of all shapes and sizes.

Datr - ["What was the rumor exactly?" Gambit tilts his head. A few guests passing by gice him a strange look.]

 Luna - It was something like "rumors of extremely strange weekly deliveries coming to the carnival in town" and I figured you're the boss here, you'd be the best person to ask.

Datr - [Gambit scoffs, "And whooo exactly told you about this so called rumor?"]

 Luna - Nuh uh, I asked first. You give me some information on what they're talking about, styrofoam cups and balloons, totally, and then I'll tell you who. Deal?

Datr - ["This is like asking to know a secret by offering general knowlege. Im sorry that's no deal I would make."]

 Luna - You're doing the exact same thing. We both have things to gain here. Sated curiosity for me, and an answer for you.

 Luna -Look, i promise I will give you a name.

 Luna -I don't break promises. Ever.

Datr - ["Again that name is not of value to me. If you knew some big secret becuase they told you the exact details, sure, maybe. But all you got it a vague rumor stated by a vague person. It's just not worth it. Period."]

 Luna - Considering the fact that you're being extremely defensive and speaking all of this out loud to what you claimed a 'vague rumor' tells me I'm on the right track. Besides, I heard Harper's looking into some stuff, but I don't have any idea what it is. So she had me come to you.

Datr - ["That's what you remind me of! Its like a reporter digging in and trying to get things when all they have is public knowlege. Anyways, I'm busy doing more important things. Get something worth my time and alot less vague and maybe then we can talk?"]

 Luna - More important things like staring at Rowan to make sure he doesn't go off script? Haven't you ever heard of ad-libbing?

 Luna - Meh, whatever. Talk to you later. -end frequency

Datr - [End Frequency]

 Luna - -begin frequency Chester

Datr - [Begin Frequency]

Datr - [Chester sits with his head resting on his hands as he struggles to keep his eyes open.]

 Luna - Oh hey Chester, it's Luna. How's it going?

Datr - ["...Wonderful." His other hand brings the drink to his face as he takes a swig.]

 Luna - Oh sure sure, how's the delivery gig going?

Datr - ["Well I don't have a bitch ass receptionist calling me names so i call that a win."]

 Luna - Hell yeah, so what are they having ya deliver? Ever peek at the packages?

Datr - ["I took a peek once but it was boring as hell. Some shit secret."]

 Luna - Both boring AND secret?? Strange. What was it, fuckin balloons or something?

Datr - ["Nah fake IDs"]

 Luna - The hell is a carnival doing with fake IDs? I thought they were just you know... a circus and rides and stuff.

Datr - ["Hell if I know. I just drop em off every so often."] Luna - Naw that's fair. I ain't gonna pry past that. How's life been after Sage and stuff?

Datr - ["It was a nightmare cleaning up the apartment and trying to explain it all to the landlord. Luckily aslong as nothing like that happens again I won't be kicked out... yet."]

 Luna - Yet?

Datr - ["I always screw shit up. It's how I ended up in cherry borough and losing my chance in haze wood...brough wood. idfk." He sips from his drink again.]

 Luna - I mean no offense to this, but just because you have a history of screwing things up doesn't mean you can't grow from it. And besides, this most recent round wasn't even your fault, but instead a french speaking goat assassin lady.

Datr - ["Like that matters. it was my fault every other time." Chester grumbles as he takes a larger sip of the drink.]

 Luna - Well I'm trying not to pry, but where do you think this... I dunno, this curse of you screwing up everything started? I can't imagine this was something you had all your life.

Datr - ["I cuased it myself. Just beinga fuck head."]

 Luna - I'm sorry. Uhm, I'll talk to you later -end frequency

Datr - [End Frequency]

 Luna - -begin frequency Gambit

Datr - [Begin Frequency}

Datr - [Gambit is still at the booth as he tries to solve a small handheld maze while guests stroll past.]

 Luna - Ooh I love those kinds of games, especially the ones with the little marbles.

Datr - [Gambit shrugs, "Rowan went on break so I don't have much at the moment."]

 Luna - I'm curious what the heck this carnival is doing. Learned some things about this place you own.

[Gambit shrugs, "Its a carnival? We entertain people for money."]

 Luna - What carnival orders shipments of fake ids? 

Datr - [Gambit scoffs a bit, "And who told you that bit of nonsense?"]

 Luna - I should start by saying this person who told me does not care. His job is to deliver whatever he's told to. The shipments minus my pressing were described as 'boring'. It was Chester.

Datr - [Gambit's smile curls a bit as his scoff draws out longer, "Chester told you this? Though I supose you wouldn't mind coming by in person so we could have a private talk about the matter? It is buisness after all."]

 Luna - Nah, I think I'm gonna pass honestly. I'm not really feeling like going to a carnival today

Datr - ["Then I'll not be explaining anything."]

 Luna - Fine.

 Luna - You twisted my arm enough. I admit, I'm tired of sitting in the house bored like this.

Datr - [Gambit gets up and sets the toy aside, "I'll have my workers waiting to escort you to my tent for a talk."]

 Luna - Okay, bet

 Luna - -end frequency

Datr - [End Frequency]