Cole appears next to the hallway entrance with a small smile as he folds his arms
Luna and Hinata walk out of the hallway hand in hand. They go to sit on the couch
Cole looks down at the bottom right of his eye with a raised eyebrow
He sees its mailman going to the backyard
Cole starts briskly walking towards the kitchen as he mentions, "I'm gonna get some fresh air"
Luna and Hinata both shrug.
Mailman stays partway out into the treeline away from the house as he waits by a tree
Cole walks out towards the tree with a sigh
Mailman doesnt wear his usual helmet this time but carries a black suitcase in one hand. He holds out his other hand expectingly.
Cole rolls his eyes and hands MailMan several packets of blood, ""
Mailman takes them and puts them away in his jacket before setting the suitcase down beside Cole. "I'd ask there be twice the amount from this point on."
Cole nods, "Right" Cole picks the suitcase up and slowly peeks it open
Inside the case is halfeay filled with nonferal 100 dollar bills. "This is your cut of what you've earned us so far. It's only a taste of how much we will be getting when the plans are done being put in action."
Cole closes it and nods, "You'll certainly be getting more of the blood, don't worry about that"
"Id recomend investing that money into getting the blood production faster. The amounts needed are only going to go up."
Cole nods, "Got it"
"Till next week." He begins to leave
Cole turns to walk inside