Lochlan Whim

Cole steps into the living room and heads towards the hallway. He knocks on Lochlan's door

They hear her grumble "What."

Cole sighs, "Is there something wrong?"

She yells though its muffled by the door, "Yeah! All of my friends are either gone or dead." 

Cole sighs and starts to open the door, "You mind if i come in? I'm not here to argue, i wanna make sure you're doing alright"

The room seems empty but he can quickly notice the closet door partly ajar and Lochlan sitting inside, "So what? I can be left to rot?"

Cole sighs and fully steps into the room, "I'm not leaving you to rot"

Lochlan unhugs her knees and scoffs, "Well the only people i cared about are killed or greiving when they could have had another chance."

Cole kneels next to Lochlan and sighs, "I know you feel like they could've been given a second chance but trust me i think we've given everyone a chance to change and they just....didn't"

Lochlan now sounds frustrated, "But I've seen Mailman before all of that stuff. And if he could have just realized he didn't have to."

Cole notices and shakes his head, "I'm not trying to invalidate how you feel i'm just trying to explain that logically, we've given them every chance under the sun to change but they hadn't and unfortunately sometimes that leads to people....ya'know"

"I feel like taking a shotgun to someone's face several times is a bit more than an accident. Could have just figured out how to stop him without THAT."

Cole groans, "I honestly disagree with Viper doing that, but i can tell you it was no accident" Cole sits down with a huff, "I was working on something that would've encouraged him to cooperate or change how he's acting but uh...that's kinda shelved for right now"

Lochlan looks down as her hands tense up into fists, "And now Gambit has no one either."

Cole nods, "I know that must be hard for them, losing people isn't an easy thing to recover from"

"Just greiving alone and not a single answer as to who or why. Just a faceless body." Lochlan's eyes start to water as she mumbles grimly, "Why can't everything just be different."

Cole doesn't know what to say as he hangs his head

"I'd give anything to just change it all. To restart even." Lochlan covers her face

Cole sighs and nods, "I think a lot of us would want a restart on life but you have to keep pushing forward, despite hardships and anything that gets in the way"

Lochlan shakes her head, "I don't have anything to push forward for. It's just empty and nothing."

Cole shakes his head, "There's always something, what happened to finding someone to date?"

"And it all just end up the same? I loved someone but now they're f-" Lochlan tenses up a moment and growls, "Funking dead."

Cole nods, "I know but you can't just give up in the face of defeat, you have to try"

Lochlan snaps back at him, "I HAVE TRIED. COUNTLESS TIMES."

Cole moves back slightly at the snap and takes a second to think, "I...know"

Lochlans tone is becoming more agressive, "You obviously don't! You just talked at me like it was my first time losing anyone. News flash buckaroo, ive already lost alot more than just one guy."

Cole nods, "I know you have, trust me i have"

Lochlan narrows her eyes at him, "No you don't."

Cole stares back, "I do, i know about everyone you've lost"

Lochlan rolls her eyes and scoots to face th wall, "I'm not listening if all youre ganna do is lie to my face."

Cole sighs, "I know about Kaz, that is if he's around this timeline"

Lochlan glances over her shoulder, "...timeline?"

Cole folds his arms, "And i thought you weren't listening"

Lochlan squints, "How do you know Kaz and what dp you mean by timeline?"

Cole sighs, "This timeline has reset at least 4 times to my knowledge, I know of Kaz because I met him in one of those timelines"

"So this has all happened before?"

Cole nods, "Exactly, and we've been trying to stop you from resetting each time to our failure"

Lochlan takes a moment to think before responding, "If what you're saying is true then everything could be different. Vastly different. Anything but this."

Cole looks concerned, "As far as i know you wouldn't remember anything from this timeline, so....i wouldn't reccomend it"

"But you do. You remember who I was and others... You could relay information." Lochlan glances around at the closet a moment. "I could leave myself a note."

Cole shakes his head, "No, no, i cannot let you do that with the knowledge that we were told before the last reset"

"Why not? It's just a few words." Lochlan gets up and heads out of the closet as she searches the desk nearby for a peice of paper

Cole stands up, "I cannot let you do this, we were told this was our last chance"

"Oh yeah? By who?" She grabs a sheet of paper and searches for a pen

Cole folds his arms, "Before the last reset some guy told us, all i'm asking is that you don't do this"

"Ok but you just told me that I'm the one who resets it every time." She grabs a pen from one of the drawers and clicks it, "And I'm not about to let some stranger tell me what to do when I know what I want."

Cole goes to snatch the pen, "I'm not a stranger, i'm someone who'd rather not lose another group of non-ferals"

Lochlan pulls her hand away out of reach, "And what do you think I'm doing?"

Cole stares at her, "Resetting the timeline and getting rid of our progress, we can fix this just give us some time"

"I'm getting us that time! Everyone's time is already out, there's no fixing this without going straight to the foundation." She starts to write on the paper.

Cole groans, "This is fixable, my plan was get Gambit into therapy and fix Chester's reputation and then unite the cities together and figure out what was in the middle of the four lighthouses and maybe just maybe things would be fixed"

Lochlan folds the paper and holds it out to him, "And my plan is fixing all of that from the source. I want this given to me when I need it. When everything is just about to mess up again."

Cole doesn't take the paper, "And what if you call me insane? Or think i wrote this myself?"

"I wrote who its from and who it's to. Don't worry." She holds it out to him still

Cole stares down at the paper as he struggles to not let tears run down his face as he mutters, "...I'll miss you" Cole hesitantly takes the paper

The paper has pen writing on the front saying, "from me to me."

Cole looks up from the paper, "You aren't gonna-"

Lochlan is nowhere to be seen

Cole stares at where she used to stand and blinks, "-understand this...."

After a long pause, he walks out of the room and heads into his own room.